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Here's to your adorable husband and father, Sei~

Warning: Fluff overload.


"(Y/N)?" (Y/N) heard her beloved husband's voice coming from the living room followed by the sound of a door closing. She immediately ran over to greet him with a kiss, taking off his coat then placed his suitcase aside.

"Welcome home, honey. I missed you." She hugged his upper torso and buried her face in his clothed chest. Akashi smiled warmly, relishing the moment as he hugged her back. Motherhood had completely softened the woman, enjoying the graces of caring for a child that was made out of love. Something she never thought to be so joyful.

"I missed you too. So much. I'm home, love."

"How was your business trip?"

"It went well as usual, but there were a few things that got slightly out of hand. Nothing that I could not handle." He replied with a tired sigh before asking,

"Where is Shiori?"

"Our little one just finished her ballet lessons a while ago. She's now out at the garden with Shirayuki, preparing for her tea party. I invited the others' kids to come and play later. I was just baking some cookies and strawberry tarts. Why don't you go give her a surprise?" She giggled, pinching his cheek.

"Oh, I will. It has been depriving me without seeing her for so long." He leaned down and kissed her on the lips before walking off to the designated area. He finally reached outside, passing by a couple of maids then spotting a big low table in the middle of the garden, covered in latin lace. Teacups, saucers, and a teapot were sprawled on top. A seven year old girl with (h/c) hair that was tied into a half ponytail arranged the tiny seats along with their pet beside her, not noticing his presence.

"...Lalala~" He heard her humming lowly as he chuckled at her adorableness, loosening his tie.

"May I join Your Majesty's royal tea party?"

The little girl jumped in surprise, "Huh?"

She flushed when she turned around, her red irises expanding upon seeing who it was.


"Hi, princess. How have you been?" He crouched down to her level, spreading his arms wide open, indicating that he wanted her there. His daughter wasted no time leaping towards him, her tiny arms around his neck.

"D-Daddy! I missed you!" She bawled, teardrops running down her rosy cheeks. He lifted her up, gently wiping the watery drops with his thumb.

"Not as much as I missed you, princess. Now, now, let's wipe those tears. We can't have your pretty face soiled before your guests arrive."

Shiori stopped sniffling, a shy smile and blush replacing her features, grabbing his face with her small hands, pecking his forehead.

"Can you put me down, please?"

He grinned, twirling her up and around, making her laugh out loud cutely.

"Daddy! I have to prepare for my tea party!"

"Arff!" Shirayuki pulled on his pants.

"Hmm, alright. No need to be like that too, Shirayuki." He slowly set her down as Shiori fixed her knee-length lilac dress. He didn't remember buying that one. (Y/N) doesn't buy her new clothes without him either.

"Is that a new dress you are wearing, baby girl?" He questioned in a muddled tone.

'Don't tell me that...' He trailed his thoughts.

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