Chapter 24: A Dear Friend

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Holy crap, I recently just joined here so it hasn't been that long since I published this story and it already has 1k reads. I'm really thankful to all those who bothered voting and reading! Though I do hope you'll continue to because I really don't plan on ending this so soon. I love you all so damn much ❤


Lavender eyes clashed against (e/c) ones.

"You..(Y/N)?!" She shrieked. (Y/N) nodded as she wiped the droplets of liquid that was on her face.

"..It's been a while."

Before she knew it, the short girl was engulfed into a bone-crushing hug. She slowly brought up her forearms to return it.

"God, I missed you, my little (Y/N)!" Shouko pulled away as she tucked in the loose strands of hair behind the (h/c) haired girl's ear, "How've you been?!"

"Good..what about you? I didn't know you were here in Okinawa."

Shouko pouted, "I still live in Tokyo. I'm just here for vacation."

"Really? With who?"

"..One of my friends?" She replied mischievously.

"I see. Is it OK if we talk for a bit and catch up?" (Y/N) proposed as Shouko laughed and linked their arms together.


Momoi stood near them quietly as she hid her knowing look, "Umm...(Y/N)? Is she a friend?" She feigned ignorance. There was no doubt about it. This person was the cause of Hime's irritation last night.

"Oh, excuse our rudeness, Satsuki-san. This is Harumiya Shouko. A very close friend of mine in middle school. Shouko, this is Momoi Satsuki." (Y/N) introduced the dark haired girl who waved.

"I'm actually surprised you made friends." Shouko teased, "Thanks for looking after little (Y/N) here. I know she's kind of hard to understand sometimes."

Momoi smiled, "Not at all! She's a total sweetheart!"

"I'm not a child." (Y/N) piped in.

"Heheh, you're still so short." Shouko commented then gazed at (Y/N)'s chest, "Though I suppose there's one thing that grew bigger about you."

"Please don't say such embarrassing things."

Momoi shifted her gaze, looking around for a certain someone and sighing in relief when she didn't find a blonde head.

"You guys should see the sandcastles those idiots-" Hime's words ceased the moment she saw the person she never wanted to see ever again.

Momoi awkwardly stared at Hime behind her and cursed herself for jinxing things.

"Fancy seeing you here, bitch." Came Hime's sarcastic voice. Shouko simpered at the sight of her frenemy.

"Oh, if it isn't Hime-sama." She countered with a tint of mockery. (Hime's name means princess, so she added the suffix '-sama' to emphasize the derided superiority.)

The blonde gritted her teeth, trying her best not to snap.

"Don't call me that, you two faced scum."

"Haha, you're as bitter as I remembered."

Hime breathed under her nostrils, "Whatever. Let's just go back to where the others are." She grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, "Come on, Momoi." The pinkette followed.

"Hime, you're being rude." (Y/N) said, pulling away from her. "Shouko, do you want to come with us and meet our friends?"

"If you don't mind. I'd love to."

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