Special Chapter (First Part)

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Just as I promised.

Hope you like it. This chapter will be separated into three parts.


Footsteps reverberated along the tranquil path as a (h/c) haired girl dragged a redheaded boy.

"You're rather energetic today, (Y/N). Is there something you're looking forward to?" Akashi asked, letting her haul his arm as he fixed their bags on his other shoulder.

"I heard there's a new pastry shop downtown and that the croquette there is a must try."

"You never change, do you? It's always pastries and desserts with you, I'm starting to think you actually love food more than your own boyfriend."

(Y/N) opened her mouth to say something, "...Of course not."

"What was that pause just now?" He threw her a knowing glance.

She laughed merrily and hugged his arm closer to her, "Don't know what you mean. Food always tastes better when you eat it with someone you love."

"I can't argue with you that." He chuckled. A few seconds after, his phone rang, startling the both of them.

"Hold on for a minute." She let go of his arm as he dug the device out of his bag. He stared at the caller ID and picked up the call.

"Hello, Momoi. How are you doing?" He spoke out, bringing his phone close to his ear.

'Momoi? Sounds like a girl.' (Y/N) thought suspiciously.

"31st? I don't think I have anything planned on that day. Why?" He continued.

The girl glimpsed at his expression before hiding her curious face.

"Kuroko's? It's settled then. I shall come on that day. Thanks for informing me. Yes, I'll see you all until then. Goodbye." He locked his phone and returned it into his bag.

"A friend of yours?" (Y/N) inquired, not looking at him.

"Yes, she asked me if I was free on the 31st and told me to come to Tokyo on that day."

"So she's a girl?"

"That's right. Is something the matter?"

"..No." She walked fastly ahead of him.

"(Y/N)?" He followed her, "Why are you-Oh." He halted in realization.

She casted a glance at him over her shoulder, "What?"

"Are you feeling jealous of Momoi?" He questioned, amused.

"I'm not." She denied, sprinting forward. Of course, he quickly caught up to her.

"Is that so?" He smiled.

"Let's just go. I have no concerns about your private matters." She turned away from him. He grabbed her wrist and spun her around, her face resembling his hair in embarrassment. He restrained himself from laughing,

"Momoi was one of the first string managers of our basketball club during middle school in Teiko. Since it will be one of my former teammate's birthday on the 31st, she arranged a gathering in Tokyo for all of us to play basketball together."

"Oh, that sounds fun." She replied, still looking away while covering her face.

"Yes, and I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me. You're also free on that day, aren't you?"

"But I don't know anyone there, and I don't want to intrude."

"That's why I will introduce you to everyone. They're all my important friends so I want them to know of you." He stated, pulling her close. "That's okay with you, right?"

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