Chapter 32: Indecisiveness

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Pls prepare yourself for the random timeskip halfway.

May contain slight angst.


As fun as it had been, their summer trip had finally come to an end. They all had departed and split up into four at the next train station; Aomine, Kuroko, Momoi, Midorima, and Shouko who opted to tag along as they all were headed to the same designation which was Tokyo. Kise going back to Kanagawa, Murasakibara probably taking the earliest train alone for Akita, and finally Akashi, (Y/N), Hime to Kyoto.

"Thank you for inviting us on this trip, Akashi-kun, (L/N)-san." Kuroko smiled gratefully.

"Yeah! You're the best, Akashicchi!

"Can't argue with that." Aomine agreed with an appreciative look. (Probably bc he didn't have to pay for anything)

"It was a fairly enjoyable trip, but it's not like I had lots of fun, nanodayo."

"It was worth it to come because of the delicious food~"

"Don't forget to keep to keep in touch, everyone!" Momoi reminded.

"We won't." (Y/N) smiled back.

Akashi felt a tap on his shoulder and saw lavender eyes staring at him,

"Akashi-kun, I leave my friend to you so don't make me change my mind or I'll hunt you down as I stuff you into a sack and send you over to the moon, OK?" Shouko warned him coltishly.

"That'll never happen," Akashi answered confidently.

"I'll count on it." She took something from her bag and handed him a gift bag, "It's not much but this is my thanks for the spa and dinner." He accepted it intriguingly.

"Take care then."

"Bye everyone! Let's meet again soon!"

"See you all soon, ssu!"


"Do you need anything else, sir?" The attendant inquired politely, her hands joined together.

"No, that would be all." Akashi replied with an unwavering tone as she bowed her head then left exited the room to accommodate more passengers.

"Ugh, I hate bullet trains." Hime pulled her hair after facing from the window, "The moving view makes me sick!"

"Then don't look." (Y/N) deadpanned, not glancing up from the book she was reading.

The blonde pouted, taking a seat beside (Y/N).

"Don't worry, we'll arrive in exactly fourteen minutes and thirty-three seconds. I already informed my family's driver to pick us up." Akashi stated, crossing his legs.

"By the way," (Y/N) started, "Shouko gave you something earlier, didn't she? What is it?"

"Ah, yes." He got the gift out from his bag, opening it. Hime squinted her brows in curiosity.

He pulled out a pair of keychains, that each had half a heart.

"That's gay." Hime spouted. (Y/N)'s lips curves upwards, returning to her book.

"It's supposed to be for couples." He countered then noticed there's a small box inside. Candies?

He took out the last content, holding it up before his breath hitched when he read what was written on the cover.

"!!!" Hime grabbed the box from his hands, opened the window and quickly chucked it out.

Akashi closed his eyes, "You didn't have to do that. It was just a box of condoms, not a bomb."

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