Chapter 28: Innocent Faces

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Sorry I took my sweet time. 😂


Akashi played with the tips of (h/c) strands, silently watching his lover's peaceful slumbering form. How was it even possible to wake up feeling this elated? Every kiss, every touch, every words that were exchanged last night brimmed with fervor had satiated him beyond he could ever expect. His stomach churned at the recollection of their night of intimacy.

He neared his face to the girl's, rubbing his nose against her unbelievably soft cheeks. God, her smooth skin was no different than silk. He snapped out of his lovestruck self when he heard the sound of knocking.

Instead of feeling bothered, he got up with a fortuitous smile and went to answer the door, not failing to notice the exceedingly tidy bedroom in contrast to last night's events. The pieces of clothing that were once strewn across the floor disorderly were now laid on the couch, neatly folded.

Her cleanliness streak over the sharp pain between her legs. (Y/N) must've cleaned and organized everything after their lovemaking to which he disgracefully remembered blanking and passing out.

"(Y/N)cchi! Akashicchi! Are you ready?" Kise jumped in front of the redhead as soon as the door opened, a grin etched onto his boyish features.

"Shhh.." Akashi brought his index fingers to his own lips, ushering the blonde to quiet down.

"Ehh?" He turned down his volume, "Where's (Y/N)cchi? And why are you still not dressed?" Kise pointed at Akashi's boxers.

"She's still asleep." He answered lovingly, looking over where their shared bed was.

The blonde's gaze suddenly landed on the point guard's collar area and gasped in shock, "Y-Your neck..!"


"Gah, Kise! Are we going or not?!" Aomine stomped towards them, "That Harumiya chick is waiting!" He grumbled out before facing Akashi then gaped.

"Those marks..."

" it that visible?" Akashi chuckled lightly, his face full of happiness.

"Akashicchi, are those..." Kise trailed off.


"Bug bites?!" He finished in horror.

"Tch, are you shitting yourself, Kise?" Aomine snorted at the guy's nescience.

"I suppose they are..special bug bites." Akashi replied, running his fingers on the purplish marks decorating his skin, "Well, you guys can go ahead and enjoy your hike. (Y/N) is still sleeping. I don't want to wake her up." He added, waving them off as he turned his back to them.

Kise choked at the sight of the red scratches scattering around in a parallel mannner on the Rakuzan basketball captain's back, almost fainting against Aomine who thwacked him away.

"Those scratches!! Akashicchi, was there a cat in your room? Did you forget to close the window last night?"

"A cat, huh? You could say it was done by a very beautiful and attractive fox. I see them as her artistic work of appreciation." Akashi smirked.

"God, Akashi you masochistic bastard." Aomine stifled a snicker.

"Oh, OK then, Akashicchi. You must really like that fox if you don't mind her hurting you.."

"Indeed, I do fancy her above anything else."

"We'll leave you to it then! Come on, Aominecchi!" Kise skipped along the hallways.

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