Chapter 27: Relinquishment (Lemon)

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Ladies and gentlemen,

Hide your kids

Hide your boyfriends

Your other husbands

..for this chapter contains explicit lemon/sexual content.

If you aren't into such things, I highly suggest you skip this part.

This is my first time writing smut so it may not be that good.

You have been warned.


"Miss, we've already said it. We were strictly instructed not to let you or any of your friends out." A guard sighed for the umpteenth time.

"You don't understand, uncle. I need to save my boyfriend." (Y/N) responded stubbornly. Aomine restrained from pulling off his hair out of frustration,

"Oh my God, (L/N). I was kidding! I repeat, that was a joke! You already know what kind of guy that Akashi is! Even if someone threatened to slice his testicles off, he would never do something like cheat on his own girlfriend with a hotter chick!"

"Be quiet, Aomine-san. You're attracting attention. Besides, it's Shouko I'm concerned about."

"Listen kids, why don't you go back to bed? Akashi-sama will return soon."

"I won't, I need to go and make sure he's OK." (Y/N) bit her lip.

Just as Aomine was about to resort to throwing her into the elevator, a black limo pulled in front of the hotel entrance as the redhead stepped out.

"(Y/N), Didn't I tell you not to miss me too much?" He huskily said, feeling her arms around his waist.

"So...I'll go back to my room now. Bye!" Aomine ran inside the elevator before his former captain could discover that he was the reason for all this.

She puffed her cheeks and bonked her forehead on his chest, "Did anything weird to you?"

He decided to tease her a little, "Weird, you say? Hmm, let's see..."


"No, she didn't." He didn't want to ruin their friendship; he knew that her friend didn't have any bad intentions. Bending down slightly and lifting her form off the ground despite her struggling in protest, he turned to the guards,

"Thank you for heeding my words. Keep up the good work."

"No, thank you for your family's patronage, Akashi-sama!"

He nodded, going in to the elevator after pressing the button.

"...Should we play monopoly with the others?"

"No. We're going to have fun in our own room." He flashed a smirk. She slowly snaked her hands behind his head, tugging on his soft carnelian locks.

"...What kind of fun?" She breathed into his ear. He shivered in pleasure before (Y/N) slammed her lips on his.

"Why don't you tell me, love?" He pulled away and kissed her throat as the machine carried them up to their floor. He went off and fumbled with the keys in his pants, opening the door, her still in his arms. (Y/N) kept her gaze on his flustered expression. He shut the door with his leg, laying his back on the bed. She straddled him, dipping her head in his neck.

"(Y/N)...what is the one love about me?" He suddenly asked between gasps.

"Hmm," Her breath vibrated on his skin, "I love how you're such a perfectionist, how you stand proportionally straight in front of other people, how you carry yourself with your responsibilities, how you conduct leadership in both sports and academic matters, how you always make time for me, no matter how busy you are." She started peppering his collar area with light kisses, "I love how you try to be patient with me, how you nag at me in texts, how you solicitously pay attention to me, how you make me feel all fluttery inside, how you selflessly prioritize me and my happiness above anything else. Your hypnotizing voice (insert Kamiya Hiroshi's voice /squeals), your beautiful eyes, your lips...I really can't name just one, Sei..everything..I adore everything about you.."

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