Chapter 15: Victorious Loss (+Akashi Birthday Special)

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This'll be the last chapter for now. Hahah.

Thanks for reading my story!


(Y/N) went frigid in her seat, unmoving. All she could hear was the loud whistlings and cheers from the opposing team.

Rakuzan had lost in the Winter Cup.

Their first loss that followed their previous championship wins within the few consecutive years.

She kept her gaze on her redheaded lover who sported on a jersey with the number 4 at the back, indicating his captaincy. He shook hands with a light blue haired player from the other team before they all bowed at each other.

"(Y/N), I want you to be present during my basketball match in Tokyo. I'll have a seat reserved especially for you as you witness our inevitable victory before your very eyes."

The game was extremely nerve-racking and immersing to the point that she was actually at the edge of her seat. She had never seen Akashi that intense and almost desperate that he seemed like another person to her.

She stood up and carefully made her way through the other side of the vast stadium. Inwardly grateful of her size, she squeezed amidst the sea of people. She managed to arrive in the lonesome hallway as she casually sauntered forward without much thought.

"Argh!" She heard a groan of pain. Her sense of virtue instantly kicked in and glanced around, spotting a tall male slouched over the corner while gripping his legs.

"Excuse me, mister. What's wrong?" She approached and kneeled down to help him.

"Ahh..It's nothing, miss. I'm just a bit tired? Hehehe." He beamed.

"Let me help you. Where are you headed?" She offered, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"Waaah, this is so embarrassing. Letting a pretty girl carry someone like me." The guy pouted.

"Instead of worrying about that, worry about yourself first."

"I'm sorry for the trouble, miss! I got separated from my teammates and well, heheh! I just need to get out of here." He rubbed the back of his neck, shifting to adjust his weight for her short stature to lean on.

"Don't worry about it. Leave it to me." She stated, dragging him back to the exit.

"Thanks for helping me...?"


"(L/N)cchi! I'm Kise! Nice to meet you~"

"Same to you, Kise-san."

"Hmm, I'm surprised you're so calm. Normally, girls would be squealing and blushing when they see me." The blonde guy appraised, chuckling.

"Huh? Why's that?"

Kise stared down at her in shock, his ego obviously bruised.

"Well, people say I'm rather handsome. I also work as a model." He declared proudly.

"Oh, now that you mention it, you don't look half bad."

"H-Half bad?" He sulked.

"You may have a pretty face, and I guess girls like that. But other than that, what other attractive qualities do you have? Being all smug about it is just plain haughty and I think that's unsightly."

"Heheh, I misjudged you, miss. You have quite a sharp-tongue there. I didn't mean to sound arrogant. It's not often I encounter girls like you."

"Is that a compliment?"

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