Chapter 1: Disappointment

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Thanks for taking your time in reading this~

Obviously, I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.


"(Y/N)! What's this I hear about you getting punished?!" Nijika Hime, (Y/N)'s childhood friend and self-proclaimed bestfriend, exclaimed. Her emerald eyes flashed in utter annoyance. She was frustrated to hear secondhand from the other students right after class.

"It is what it is. I don't think I need to explain further." (Y/N) replied nonchalantly, her eyes not leaving the book she was currently reading.

"And why? What did you do this time?" She inquired while crossing her arms.

"Preyed on the class rep. Have to clean the schoolyard for a week."

Hime's left eye twitched as she slapped her forehead, "Stop doing these kinds of shady things already! Not to mention in school, of course you'd get caught! Everyone thinks you're a beast when--"

"What's wrong with doing what I like? And I couldn't care less about what others think. I don't live to make them like me." She flipped a page and continued to read.

"I know that! It's just that..I don't like you getting in trouble for doing irresponsible things." She twirled a strand of her blonde hair, "You may be intelligent but you're stupid when it comes to taking care of yourself! I care about you more than you think!" Hime puffed out her cheeks and wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck.

"You're annoying. I never asked you to." (Y/N) deadpanned.

Hime scowled, "I beg your pardon?"

(Y/N) dug her face into her book, "...Thanks."

Hime giggled and hugged (Y/N) tightly, "That's what I thought."


"Are you sure you don't need my help? I'm willing to, you know." Hime cooed as she watched her bestfriend rake some of the fallen leaves into a pile.

"No. You'll just get in my way. Go home already." (Y/N) sighed.


"Hime. I'm not repeating myself."

"Fiiine. I'll go first. Also, keep yourself out of trouble this time. Call me when you get home, okay?!" Hime huffed then smiled. She knew the only reason (Y/N) didn't want her help was because she might get in trouble for doing so.

"Yeah." Satisfied, the blonde engulfed (Y/N) into a hug as she waved goodbye and walked off.

"Seems like she'll never get tired of hugging." (Y/N) quietly continued her ministrations, humming lowly all the way. This wasn't much of a punishment for her since she always liked to clean. In spite of how people have viewed her, she preferred things organized and not a spect of dust in sight.

She threw out the garbage bags and let out a sigh. What did that redhead want from her? It doesn't usually bother her when someone lays their hungry eyes on her, but being watched like a hawk by someone most of the day is quite unsettling. It's not like she was someone who just got released from prison or of the sort.

"I see you are rather doing a splendid job for a mere punishment." Speaking of the redheaded devil.

"I like cleaning." She remarked, walking past him and heading to the shed.

"That's quite unexpected coming from someone such as yourself."

"I figured. What is it that you want from me?" She asked bluntly.

"What makes you think that I want something from you?" Akashi smiled halfheartedly, trailing behind her.

"I'm not stupid. You've been eyeballing me for a while now, President." She opened the door and went inside to place the rake back where she got it and started to rearrange some of the tools.

He followed suit and closed the door, "What I simply want is your cooperation."

She stayed silent in response and continued what she was doing.

"Adamant as ever, I see." He stood behind her and placed his palms on the wall. She could practically feel his breath tickling her nape.

"I always act on my own accord. I would appreciate it if you could just stop sticking your nose into someone else's business just because of your position. What I can promise you is that I will not drag the school down." She turned around to face him.

"All I'm asking is for you to cease your advancements amongst the male students."

"Are you speaking on their behalf? As far as I can recall, not a single one of them has ever complained." She threw him a halfhearted smile of her own.

"My words are absolute, (Y/N). Why don't you be a good girl and just do as I say?" He remarked catatonically, even though he could feel his patience running thin.

"Says you. Forget it." She pushed him off gently and started walking out.

"I am not repeating myself again."

"So am I."

"You need to restrain yourself."

"Hmm, from what?"

Out of sheer frustration, he blurted out what he'd never expect someone like himself to say to anyone,

"What if I offer myself to you?"

His own words surprised them both, but mostly himself. (Y/N) halted for a moment and turned around. She took a few steps forward and look at him in the eyes,

"Offer yourself to me, you say?"

"I was not being serious. It was a joke." Was his poor attempt to cover up his mistake. Never in his life has he ever been thrown off incredulously. Not to mention, under such petty circumstances.

(Y/N) said nothing. Amusement was clearly dancing in her (e/c) eyes. She grabbed a hold of his collar and leaned forward to his face as he unconsciously did the same. Right before his lips touched hers, she scoffed and moved to his right ear.

"Don't be silly, President. You are the last man in this world I would ever dare lay my hands on." With that, she pulled away from him and walked out before running her fingers through her (h/c) hair.

"..." He touched his lips slightly and narrowed his bicolored orbs. He could still feel the warmth of her breath lingering.

Needless to say, he would never let himself be pushed around by such people...

Normally, he would never let himself be bothered by such things...

Normally, he is the one who leaves others flabbergasted...

Normally, he would consider what had suddenly just happened to be a good thing...

...But what he was feeling right at the moment about the girl's actions contradicted his thoughts.



-C h ɑ r m ɛ ʏ

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