Chapter 10: Tears & Morning Kisses

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I'm trying hard to make some fluff but I don't have a romantic bone in my body-

Lyk if u cri.


The rest of their date was spent on talking and asking each other all sorts of questions as they learned about each other more while they ate the sandwiches (Y/N) made and drank tea.

"Are you an only child?" (Y/N) inquired.

"Yes, I am. There is only my father and I. It's been that way for years and I most likely will not be acquiring a sibling when he has no woman to bear a child with." He answered tenaciously.

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. I have long since then grown accustomed to my lifestyle now. Especially now that I have you to look forward to seeing most of my days."

"Is that so." She worded skeptically.

Despite the turn of events earlier, the redhead was feeling rather ecstatic. It still felt like a dream to be actually talking to the object of his affections so casually face-to-face on a date without any tensions or hidden motives. He surprised himself when he thoughtlessly invited her on a date out of the blue.

He couldn't remember the last time he had ever been so determined about anything that didn't involve basketball. And he was actually feeling a little anxious.

He. Akashi Seijūrō. Anxious.

He got startled when the girl sitting in front of him suddenly reached out to touch his hair.

"There's something in your hair. Excuse me," She retracted her hand and pulled out what seemed to be a petal.

Akashi froze in his spot as he felt his face heating up, raising his own hand to his crimson hair where she had touched and looked away a bit flustered.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well? Should we go ho-"

"You really are one cruel vixen."


He grabbed her hand back and entwined them with his, "I had invited you out this day in hopes of making you fall madly in love with me," he placed a chaste kiss on her fingertips, "but it seems to have backfired and the opposite happened seeing as I found myself now more captivated by you than ever."

He heard a giggle and saw her smiling at him.

"Ah, you finally smiled." He stated, relieved. He gave her one of his handsome smiles in return and squeezed their hands.

"It's hard to believe you hadn't had a girlfriend before."

"Oh?" He smirked sexily, "I suppose I am just that naturally charming by nature."

She ignored his presumptuous remark and looked up at the sky.

"Look, the sunset looks really pretty."

He gazed above the beautiful, red endless sky. It was indeed a beautiful sight. He had seen many bewitching sceneries but none of them had been as engaging as the sight before his eyes now that he had someone to relish it with. He got up to sit next to her.

"It reminds me of your hair." She spoke.

"Do you like sunsets?" He asked, subtly wrapping an arm around her form.

"I love them. It signifies that another hopefully well spent day is ending and night is coming." She leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Hmm." He grunted, enjoying the feeling of her weight pressed upon him.

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