Chapter 12: Rumors

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You belong to Akashi


A (h/c) haired girl strolled along the hallways of Rakuzan while carrying a bag that contained sweets she had woke up early in the morning to bake for the whole basketball club. Ever since she visited them, she enjoyed spending time watching them practice and helped around a little like organizing the equipments or filling their water bottles. She had even met the coach and was offered the role of their manager, but she politely refused saying that she didn't have enough devotion to shoulder responsibilities regarding the club. When in all honesty, she just wanted to avoid attention. Akashi hid his hefty disappointment for he had looked forward to her joining so he could be with her more but he chose to respect her decision.

As (Y/N) passed by a classroom, she heard a group of girls gossiping. Normally, she wouldn't bother eavesdropping on petty talks but she halted her steps when they mentioned a particular someone she knows so well.

"I heard someone saw Akashi-sama with that first year tramp walking together in town a few days ago. Can you believe that?"

"For a mere slut, she sure has the nerve to target Akashi-sama. The president, of all people."

"Not only that, it can't be that President Akashi succumbed and yielded to her promiscuous self?"

"If that's true then he's lowered himself to that of a dirty plebeian."

"The student body doesn't need such a complacent president."

(Y/N) opened the door and stepped inside, startling them all.

"Excuse me for interrupting your conversation, but I couldn't help but overhear. I would like to make it clear that I have nothing to do with the student council president. About what you've heard, we just happened to pass by each other so of course we exchanged greetings as it would be the most common part of decency. Nothing more, nothing less." She trailed off, "I don't have the audacity to even be interested in him. Have a nice day." She bowed politely.

She then closed the door, running off somewhere.

The girls appeared to be beyond flabbergasted by (Y/N)'s sudden claim.

"What was that?"

"That's the first time she ever said anything back. Maybe she was telling the truth."

"Hmph, now that you think about it, of course Akashi-sama wouldn't be with a slutty quean like her."

"You're right. He's someone who will never settle for anything less than what it is worth."


(Y/N) stormed across the school grounds, opting to just leave early.

'This is not good. I wanted to avoid this at all cost yet I had stupidly tarnished his reputation.' She thought in dismay.

"Eh, (Y/N)-chan? Where are you going? The gym is this way." She heard a voice. She looked behind and saw Mibuchi who had a towel around his neck.

"Ah, Mibuchi-senpai. I'm not going today. Sorry. I have something to do so I need to leave early." She pushed the bag of sweets in his hands, "Please give these to the other members. They're cookies and macaroons I made this morning. I'll see you then." Before he could respond, she headed straight towards inside the building to pick up her things.

She dashed towards the classroom and got her school bag. She took out her phone and texted Hime who had club activities informing of her leave. After a few minutes, she returned the device in her pocket as she proceeded to walk to the door.

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