Chapter 11: Club Visiting

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Kuroko no Basuke belongs to Fujimaki-sensei. ❤️


"I don't think that's a good idea. Plus, wouldn't I be disturbing him?" (Y/N) told Hime as they walked through the hallway.

"Why not? Aren't you curious about seeing him play basketball?"

"It's not that. I'm just saying we shouldn't cause trouble by disrupting his club activities."

"As if it's going to cause him trouble. He'll be happy for sure if you come see him. Come on, I'm curious about their club! Let's go to the gym."

Hime dragged the protesting girl all the way across the school buildings until they reached the area.

"I'm telling you, I shouldn't. The other club members might wonder too-"

"Who cares about them."

They arrived outside the gym as Hime opened the door a little and peeked inside. She motioned her bestfriend to follow her as she stepped inside.

"Ugh! Why don't you go wipe off your sweat? You smell horrible!" A frustrated voice nagged that belonged to a jet blacked haired man.

"Reo-nee, just leave him alone! We're gonna shower later anyways~" The energetic blonde one exclaimed as he dribbled a basketball with a lot of force.

"Haaah, I'm getting hungry." A muscular guy stretched his arms.

"You guys are being so loud it's annoying." A silver haired stated out of nowhere.

All of them whipped their heads attentively as they heard the door squeak, thinking it was a certain captain but was surprised to find two pretty girls.

"Aree? What are you ladies doing here?" The tall, black haired man asked.

"Sorry to interrupt, senpai but can we stay for a bit to watch you guys?" Hime said bluntly.

"Hmm..girls usually aren't allowed here by our captain since he said they're too noisy and bothersome."

(Y/N) grabbed the top of Hime's head and forced it down, "I apologize for our interruption. And for her insolence. We'll be on our way now." They turned around and headed back towards the door when it suddenly opened as in came a certain redhead.

"(Y/N)? And Nijika-san too."

"..Seijūrō-san. Hi." She said awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Hime insisted I come here with her, but no worries. We'll be taking our leave." (Y/N) took Hime's wrist and started heading out the door.

"Argh, we came here for nothing?"

"Nobody told you to and you were the one who dragged me here."

"Wait." He spoke, "Since you're both already here, why don't you go sit over there? In fact, I would like it if (Y/N) stayed and watch. I don't mind if it's you."

"Oi, Akashi! What's the hold up?" The blond guy walked towards them, "What's with these girls? Are they yours?"

Hime flared up, "Bastard! Who is whose?!" She snapped spat him.

"We are his..close friends." (Y/N) answered hesitantly. Akashi stared at her before placing a hand on the girl's waist.

"This is my girlfriend, (L/N) (Y/N) and that's her friend, Nijika Hime."



"Did somebody say girlfriend?!"

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