Chapter 26: Admonition

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"Welcome back, (Y/N)cchi!" Kise was the first one to run over to her as soon as she and Shouko arrived back in the hotel.

"Thank you, Ryōta-san."

"That took a while, you two." Akashi said, getting up from the couch in the waiting lounge. "Did you have fun?"

"Ah, yes. Shouko showed me this amazing view of the sunset by the open field then we had dinner at a barbeque place."

"What were you doing at an open field? A remote area, not to mention?" Akashi's question went unheard as Kise piped in brightly.

"Waah! I wish I was there! I also want to take a hike!" He pranced around the girl.

"Well, why don't we all go again there tomorrow? With all of (Y/N)'s friends, of course." Shouko suggested, gazing at Akashi.

"I have no objections. Oha-Asa said that my luck will increase if I venture the wonders of nature." Midorima worded all the way from his seat.

"Just say you want to come, Midorimacchi~"

"Ehh..but I don't wanna walk. It's too much work." Murasakibara yawned, he unwittingly caught a glimpse of (Y/N)'s puppy eyes and looked away, "..Fine."

"Where are the others?"

"They're all at Kuro-chin's room playing a board game."


"Well, guys. I should head back to my hotel now. Just text me what time we should meet up tomorrow. I'll come here." Shouko stated, an arm on her hip.

"You're not staying here, nanodayo?"

"Nope. Only my friend."

Midorima gave a small nod, trying not think of that scene with her 'friend'.

"Let me walk you, Harumiya-san." Akashi offered politely.

"Eh? It's alright. I can walk there myself. It's not far." Shouko waved.

"No, I insist. You're a dear friend of my (Y/N)." He walked over beside the girl.

Shouko twitched for a moment then churred, "What a persistent boyfriend." Her hand landed itself on the redhead's shoulder as it slowly began to trail down. "I'll have to accept your offer then."

"Eh, but Akashicchi, isn't it dangerous at this time?

(Y/N) felt a bubbling sensation in her chest. "I'll also come." Was it just her or did Shouko's hand rest on her boyfriend's torso longer than necessary? She shook off the thoughts.

Akashi whipped his head to his lover, "Ah, I would like you stay here, (Y/N). Why don't you go to our room and change? With your bare legs out like that, it must be getting a little chilly."

"Ah, yeah..please excuse me." She turned around when a toned arm snaked itself tightly on her waist.

"Don't miss me too much, love." Akashi whispered teasingly, his hot breathe tickling the side of her face before she felt him placing a gentle kiss on her cheek and forehead.

"I won't." She pursed her lips, her cheeks starting to burn.

"Then, see you guys tomorrow." Shouko waved at them, heading outside with Akashi beside her.

(Y/N) waved back until they were finally gone. She unconsciously kicked the floor lightly.

"(Y/N)cchi?" Kise tapped her back.


"Let's go play with Kurokocchi and the others!" He dragged her to the elevator as Midorima and Murasakibara followed behind.

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