Chapter 18: The Girlfriend

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Ahhhhh. I apologize for the lack of romance. ;-;


"Hahah, now wasn't zat so much fun?!" Asami exclaimed right after they got off the aquatic ride.

"Yes.." (Y/N) breathed out. She was actually having the time of her life. With people she just met.

Something she thought was impossible.

"Ugh..shit. I completely forgot that I have motion sickness." Kakihara groaned, trying hard not to vomit again.

(Y/N) stared at him incredulously, "How do you even forget that kind of thing?"

"I don't know! I guess I was too excited about showing you around that it slipped off my mind."

"Chéri! Come here!"

(Y/N) whipped her head towards Asami and saw her holding up a bracelet.

"What is it, Asami-san?" She walked towards her.

"Do you like zis?" Asami asked, putting on the bracelet that had dangling miniature dolphins on the smaller girl's wrist.

"Ah, it's nice, but I don't-"

"You don't have to worry! I vill pay for it!"

"Oi, Asami! Why are you scoring points with my date-ugh!" Kakihara cried then held his sickly stomach.

"Oh, please! She doesn't even like you!" Asami snickered, sticking out her tongue at him.

"Hah, what are you talking about?" Kakihara looked back at his kouhai.

"Well, I'll leave you two now~" Asami smiled devilishly, "I'll go get your bag, chéri." She sashayed her way out.

"Kakihara-senpai," (Y/N) raised her head, "I would just like to say that you can do better."

"What are you talking about?" He sputtered in confusion.

"You don't seem to be treating girls seriously as you said so." She started off, "If you really respect women, then I think you should at least be a little considerate of their feelings. Like Rina-san, you could've told her that you're also dating other people before you accepted her as your girlfriend. Might I remind you-there are many girls who prefer monogamous relationships."

Kakihara gazed down at her as he then clicked his tongue.

"Heh, what? Are you for real? Did you really just come to me to give me a lecture about relationships?" He gibbed sarcastically.

"That wasn't what I had intended to do, but I don't see how you 'like' girls if you're just going to be an insensitive and spoiled playboy to them."

"For an innocent faced brat, you sure have a tongue there. What era do you think this is? Chilvalry is long dead, kid. Deal with it." He retorted cynically.

"I'm not trying to start a dispute, and I agree with you." She stated calmly, "Chivalry is dead but that doesn't mean you can't take it with you to your grave. What matters is your own perspective. I was no different than you and right now, I'm just saying this to you as a person who used to share the same sentiment."

"Used to share the same sentiment?" He mocked, "Hah, why can't you admit it? One person is not good enough. Didn't you feel the thrill? Aren't we the same after all." He neared her and leaned down to give her a nudging look.

"That's right. We were quite the same."

His eyes dilated in startlement as he felt her pull down the collar of his shirt, "But at least, I had the decency to break up with them every time I found someone new." She pointed out while seething, "It's frankly none of my business in whatever you do, but since one of my close friends got involved, I would gladly intercede on her behalf. Either you get your act together, stay away from my friends or say goodbye to your baby making stick because I'll see to it that no girl will ever go near you ever again." With that, she gently let go of him and fixed his crumpled shirt.

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