Chapter 3: The Ride Home

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Here's the next chapter~

Again, please pardon my mistakes. It's probably because I'm awfully bad at proofreading.

I don't own anything but the story. Akashi belongs to you. 😂😂😂



(Y/N) was looking through the window of the limo, anywhere but the man beside her and that made him a little frustrated for she had not once thrown a single glance towards him ever since she got inside.

"(Y/N)-san." He called out again. The girl finally looked at him with half-lidded eyes, blinking a few times.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something?"

"Yes, I asked how you were doing. Is something bothering you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I noticed you have been awfully weary today. Did you not get enough sleep?"

"Oh, yes. It's nothing." She yawned lowly. He frowned.

"Would you like me to lend you my shoulder? You can sleep for a while. I will wake you when we are near your area." He offered.

"I don't want to impose." She responded.

"Nonsense. You need it." He pushed the back of her head gently to his broad shoulder.

"Thanks...Akashi." She whispered, closing her eyes as she leaned down more comfortably.

'That was the first time she didn't call me president.' He thought. He didn't say anything but kept his gaze on her out the corner of his eyes. Her face looked so soft, pink tinted cheeks, long eyelashes, lovely rose colored lips, and a cute nose.

'They were wrong. Beautiful is an understatement. No wonder the men have gone insane.' He admitted to himself. He was beyond tempted to touch her but as an Akashi, he was raised to be and naturally, a gentleman.

He wouldn't stoop so low as to take advantage of a woman in her most vulnerable state.

He adjusted his arm that was a little squished by the female beside him and brought it up on top of the seat. He subtly yet carefully brushed his nimble fingers against her silky (h/c) locks.

...But he reckoned just a little wouldn't do any harm.



(Y/N) fluttered her eyes open as she felt someone lightly tapping her arm. A flash of red came into her line of sight before she looked around and remembered that she had been offered a ride home.

"We are almost in your area." The redhead next to her spoke.

"Ahh, just drop me off a bit further. Outside that mansion."

"This isn't where you live. This is Nijika's home." He stated.

"Yeah, I'm--" She cut herself off as she gave him a look of suspicion.

"Please do not look at me like that." He deadpanned, "You should not underestimate my position as the student council president."

"Do you normally know where all the students live?" She asked jokingly.

"I know everything. I also know that--"

"I changed my mind. Forget I asked."

He threw her an questioning glance, "You are staying over at Nijika's?"

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