Chapter 5: Clothes Shopping

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Here's another chapter. ( ̄∇ ̄)

And I'm getting tired of the disclaimers because we all know I'll never own anything but this story and myself.


"(Y/N)! What do you want to do after school today? We can do lots of things since it's a Friday! You said you wanted to go to the mall, right?" Hime questioned, while skipping down the stairs.

"Yes, my mom gave me some money to buy new clothes. Help me find some comfortable ones to wear, alright. Nothing too flashy and if you keep skipping like that, you'll stumble and trip." (Y/N) spoke, grabbing the back of Hime's collar.

"Yeah, let's go to the mall!" The blonde cheered.

"May I come with you ladies?" They heard a voice from behind and turned around to find the redhead standing there, school bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Don't you have like club practice or whatever?" Hime scoffed at him.

"It was cancelled and postponed tomorrow since our coach has some important matters to attend to. I happen to need some new basketball shoes."

"I don't really mind if you come with us. We'll be walking to the mall," (Y/N) said calmly.

"Yeah, you can go by car if you're too tired and just meet up with us there. That is, if you're able to find us." The blonde smirked.

"Don not be absurd. I can walk. Perhaps you have forgotten that I am an athlete."

"An arrogant one, at that."

"You're one to speak, miss hot blooded."

"Shut your mouth, overbearing tyrant."

"I have the liberty to speak as I please, barbaric savage."

"Why you son of a--"

"I'm going ahead." (Y/N) cut off their little squabble.

"I'm going too!" Hime exclaimed, quickly running to the girl's right side while Akashi silently walked to (Y/N)'s left.


"(Y/N)! What about that dress? Or this skirt? Everything would look so cute on you! Look at these boots!" Hime practically bounced all over the store egging her bestfriend to try on several pieces of clothing.

"Is she always this hyperactive?" Akashi asked.

"Most of the time, yeah." (Y/N) answered. He walked to the side of the store and brought up a beige sweater that had intricate patterns and a lacy hem.

"I think this would suit you best since it will be getting a little cold soon."

"Really? Then I'll get that."

"Tch, at least his keen taste in fashion is convenient." Hime puffed out her cheeks.

"Why don't you go try it on with this? Check if it is the right size." He handed (Y/N) a burgundy pleat skirt.

"You should accompany me when I buy clothes next time." The (h/c) haired girl remarked as she took the item and headed to the dressing room.

"I would love to." He breathed out audibly.

"Wow, I never deemed you as a whipped bastard." Hime commented, crossing her arms.

"I'm not." Akashi argued.

"Sure, tell that to my future grave."

"I still do not agree with that. I am merely basking in her presence.

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