Chapter 34: Pursuit

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A gift to all the Akashi fans out there because I love you all! May your ovaries rest in peace lmao.


Scooping another mouthful of creamy goodness, (Y/N) masticated as her eyes never left the television screen. Stupid commercials. Why is it that most of them run longer than the actual show? Need. More. Distraction.

A day had passed and she hadn't heard from him. Which then turned into days, and by now was equivalent to seven days in a row. A week. The longer it dragged on, the harder she found it to contact him. She felt foolish writing those 357 pointless drafts that she didn't even bother sending.

She did everything to try and distract herself, she studied her ass off, she baked, she gardened, she cleaned, hell--she even gave her house a new makeover, rearranging the furniture like she was some kind of newly employed house mover.

Right now, she had finally worn herself out and began eating her feelings. Peeking down at her more ice cream.


She lazily got up to wash the dishes after putting on her frilly apron, humming a random song. This isn't so bad..she could live with this. She wasn't tied down anymore. This is how life was before he decided to strut in unannounced and wormed his way into her maiden heart. She sighed, cursing all the chick flicks and romance novels that she had read throughout her life.

There was definitely no knight in shinning armor or prince coming to take her to some rainbow fantasy land while riding on his white stallion.

Wiping her hands dry, she wordlessly opened the fridge. You know what, duty calls. You can't function fully without nourishing resources. Guess who needs to go grocery shopping?


She went upstairs to her room to change and headed back down, putting on her shoes when a red velvet box laid on a fixed position on top of the shelf caught her eye. She shoved it in her shoulder bag with a heavy heart, proceeding to walk out of the house.


"Is here good, Seijūrō-sama?" The driver stopped at a beautiful and large imposing residence that was almost as impressive as his own.

"Yes." He took a step out of the vehicle as he held a rectangular present, "You may leave now. I shall inform you when I am finished with my business here."


Akashi passed by the gates, the guards immediately realizing of his unquestionable noble authority just by the air around him.

He had no trouble navigating the main house, as he was already ringing the doorbell once.

"Yes--Oh my goodness!"

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Sakuya." He smiled sweetly at the elder woman.

"That striking red hair--Are you Masaomi-san's son?" She failed to mask the shock written on her face.

"Indeed, I am. He will not be here due to a meeting he has to attend. I heard about the proposal apropos of a marriage interview with your daughter so I decided to personally introduce myself to your family. I apologize for the sudden intrusion. Is it alright if I come in?"

Mrs. Sakuya blushed in embarrassment, "O-Of course, dear! Welcome and please make yourself at home! I've heard a lot about you, but my, aren't you a very handsome young man!"

"I thank you for the compliment."

"Please take a seat," She led him to the living room as Akashi found himself highly satisfied at the traditional interior setting, plopping down on his knees on the pillow in front of the low levelled table.

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