Chapter 35: The Chase

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I hope you're satisfied with how this turned out! ^_^


She just stared at him, her eyes sucking in his appearance as if she wanted to burn his form into the back of her mind.

'What is he doing here? I thought he was attending that marriage interview?' She gripped the strap of her bag tightly, 'Maybe he came here to tell me that he's tired of it all..'

Thinking that he hasn't noticed her yet, she did the one thing she immediately first thought of.

She fled.

She had never run so fast in her whole life, she could've been mistaken as an Olympic runner, but it seems like the gods weren't on her side. Before she even knew it, someone was already hot on her heels.

"(Y/N)," He called out.

God, she missed his voice.

"Why are you running?" He continued when she didn't answer.

She panted, "!"

"You ran first."

She squeezed her eyes shut, not slowing down her legs as he effortlessly kept up with her without breaking a sweat.

"I'd rather you stop." He spoke. Still, she didn't heed his words and made a round to the other block. She wasn't even sure where she was going, she just wanted him to keep chasing her, anything for him to face her way. Random pedestrians stopped at the amusing sight of a casually dressed girl being chased by a man who seemed as if he had just attended a ball while still hanging onto the bouquet.

"Stop..chasing me!"

"I can only do so once you stop running."

She fastened her pace, leaping forward across the street then inwardly cursed when she hit a dead end. Finally stopping, she crouched down to regain her breath.

"Are you alright?" He rubbed her back.

She scooted away from him and stood up, "What are you..Why are you here?"

"To apologize. We need to talk." He took a step towards her.

'Apologize? For what?' Her stomach dropped at the possibility of him ending what they had. One minute, she was in doubts, the next second she found herself in awe the moment she met those tantalizing pools of red, quietly unraveling her soul.

"Tell me," He growled lightly in her ear before running his lips on the smooth skin on her neck, "...was I missed?" He locked an arm around her, preventing her from any form of escape.

She looked down, "No..."

"Oh?" She felt him start to suck and bite as she could only do nothing in retaliation, "Was I the only one who yearned for you?"

"I..thought you attended.."

"I did, just like you wanted me to." Her chest tightened at his answer but ignored the pain as she was, after all, the one who wanted him to go in the first place.

"That's good to hear."

"She was a beauty." He daunted, "Wearing a stunning kimono. Any man would love to take her."

"Oh..." She tried to push him away, but he firmly held her in his grasp and hovered his lips over hers,

"But she was nothing compared to what I'm looking at right now. I am certain you would suit that kimono better. would look best in a wedding dress."

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