Extra Chapter: A Father's Worst Nightmare

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Extra chapter because ❤


Tiny hands fumbled through the assorted crayons in a container, pouting when she couldn't find a certain one.

"What's wrong, Shiori?" Her mother asked with an amused tone.

"Mommy, there's no (h/c) crayon." Shiori whimpered, her eyes all teary. (Y/N) immediately put down the apple she was peeling on top of the counter and approached the girl.

"Oh, sweetie, why don't you use another color? Meanwhile, I'll go look if there's another box of new ones around the house."

"But I don't want to use another crayon. My hair is (h/c)."

(Y/N) giggled, peering over what her daughter was drawing. It was a portrait of herself and another person whom she thought was her husband like the other ones that Shiori had drawn.

Except the other figure's hair wasn't red.

"Who are you drawing there?"

"My classmate and I!"

"Oh? Tell me about this classmate of yours." (Y/N) pried with a curious tone although the hair color gave it away. This was new, Shiori never hung out with boys because she said they were loud and reckless. (Y/N) knew what this was all about.

The little girl swung her short legs, "He's noisy and not very smart...but he's nice!"

"I see...you like him?" She sat on the chair across her daughter, now fully interested.

'Wait till Sei hears about this. Oh, wait. He won't.' She thought.

"The other day he gave me a piece of candy and yesterday, he said my hair looks pretty." Shiori said shortly, continuing to color her work.

(Y/N) laughed, ruffling Shiori's head, "How sweet of him. You two are so cute."

"How sweet of who?" Came her husband's voice as he entered the room, going behind his daughter.

"Oh, nothing." (Y/N) immediately answered, giving him a reluctant smile, "Done using the phone?"

Akashi raised a brow, "Yes, and who were you girls talking about? Who is this him?" He questioned in a protective manner.

"Oh, daddy--!"

"We're just talking about Shiori's classmate." (Y/N) cut her off. Akashi's lips formed into a straight line, unconvinced.

"What about her classmate?"

"You know, how he's so nice and all. Do you want me to make you some tea, darling?"

"No, it is fine. I see Shiori has drawn something again, can I see it?" He smiled, leaning down the table and taking a good, long look at her work only for his lips to frown again.

"I do not recall my hair being a dark shade of blue." He stated dryly, throwing (Y/N) an offended eye.

"Because I'm not drawing daddy!" Shiori exclaimed, not caring for Akashi's gloomy aura.


"Sei, come on. Let's go prepare the snacks. Hime and Kotarō-san are coming over soon." She pulled his arm but he wouldn't budge.


(Y/N) sighed, "Don't make a big deal but it seems that your little princess has found a crush and it's not you."



"She is in kindergarten, (Y/N)."

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