Chapter 8: Unraveled

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Warning: This chapter contains slightly dark themes and there are mentions of sexual abuse, etc.


Hime stared calmly at the person in front of her doorstep. After a few moments of silence, she slammed the door with full force.

"Nijika-san, open the door." Akashi commanded.

"You dipshit! Didn't I tell to you tomorrow? Are you deaf or just plain stupid?! Leave! I don't want to deal with your crappy self right now."

"I know what you said. I heard you loud and clear, but when it comes to (Y/N), it simply cannot wait. I do not care if I have to burst down this door of yours open, I just need to talk to you. Do not test my patience."

"Goddamn it!" The girl cussed out and opened the door, "Come inside."

"Sorry for the disturbance, I just wanted to get this over with."

"No shit, sherlock." She grumbled in annoyance, leading him to the leaving room.

"Where are your parents?"

"Out on a business trip as usual. Want something to drink or what?"

"That is not necessary right now. What happened to (Y/N) before?" He sat down obnoxiously.

"Gah, you're such a pain the ass-"

"Was she sexually assaulted?" He asked bluntly.

Hime looked at him in pure horror, "W-What..Where did you...How did...From who did you hear that from?!"

"I visited her mother."

"You asked mom?!" She screeched.

"Mom?" He raised a brow. She huffed and ignored his interruption. (A/N: Hime refers to your mother as mom as she was that close to your family since you were kids.)

"Well, did you?!"

"I just had a personal conversation with her. I never expected to pry but all she did was tell me that she had failed relationships with men in the past. And that she had married a man with a strange behavior. I could not help but guess the worst possible outcomes when she said it was all her fault for not noticing."

" and her aren't exactly wrong. That shitty excuse of a stepfather of hers turned out to be batshit insane." Hime placed her palm against her forehead in frustration.

"What did he do?"

"I don't really feel comfortable talking to you about this right now. Especially at this time. I know this isn't honestly my place to tell you...but you're here now. I don't have a choice, do I." Akashi merely did anything but looked at her, probably telling her to continue.


"This is my daughter, (Y/N). Isn't she the cutest?" A woman in her late twenties cooed, gently pushing the five year old little girl who was holding a stuffed rabbit forward. The man before them laughed.

"She looks as beautiful as you, (M/N)." He bent down to her height, "Hey there, (Y/N). I'll be your new stepdad from now on. Just call me daddy!" He exclaimed cheerfully. The little girl smiled shyly at him, hugging her stuffed toy tightly.

"...Daddy?" She called out cutely.

"(M/N)! Did you see that?! She called me daddy! She even smiled so cutely at me!" The man cheered, picking her up before twirling her around.

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