Chapter 25: Middle School Memories

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Once again, I apologize for the filler. I'll make it up for it with some more fluff in the future chapters.

The photo I just added is just for fun. Bc I figured. Who wouldn't want to see Akashi's abs...while he's wearing a sumo outfit? 😂


"Why's that? Is she one of those women who think it's the end of the world when a guy has misled her?" Akashi asked blandly.

She ruffled the back of her head, "I thought it was like that at the beginning, but I heard from (Y/N) that Harumiya's father cheated on her mother countless of times and used to abuse her when she was a child because of how controlling he was...Still that doesn't give her an excuse to take it out on other people."

"..I can see where you're coming from." His thoughts drifted to his own father years ago after his mother died. "By the way, you speak as if (Y/N) worships her. What happened between them?"

Hime sat on a huge rock nearby, "Before everything, when (Y/N) and I were still kids, she had tons of friends. From kindergarten, she was the class sweetheart, the kind of brat who would let everyone borrow her pencils even if she didn't have one left to use for herself. It was like that until grade school, and then you already know what happened with her family so when we entered middle school, all of the people who knew her before, including her friends, avoided her. I'm guessing their parents told them to stay away from her after they found out what her stepfather did because they didn't want their children to hang out with someone whose father was a jailed criminal. (Y/N) was absolutely devastated when she finally came back to school after rehabilitation, but she didn't show it. She just kept her head high and tried her best to get used to things..."

Despite the angsty situation, Akashi inwardly smiled in awe, 'That's just like her.'

"And that's when she met Harumiya who transferred into our class because of a fight that happened with one of the girls in her previous one..."


"Treat her well. I expect all of you to behave so Harumiya here will have no choice but to do the same." The teacher worded strictly then turned to her, "You may sit beside (L/N). (L/N), raise your hand." He commanded. The girl did as told, bringing up her hand motionlessly.

Shouko hummed as she nodded, "Got it, sensei." She walked over to her assigned seat.

"Wow, she's tall."

"She looks like a model, right?"

"Whatever, she's a slut anyways."

"Yeah, I heard she got into a fight with someone in her former class because she stole their boyfriends."

"Now, all of you, please take out your textbooks. We shall review once again regarding yesterday's topic."

"I don't have mine with me, sensei."

"(L/N), can you share with her?"

"Yes." (Y/N) stood up and carried her desk to merge with the girl's.

"Thanks, (L/N)-san~" Shouko smiled.

"Don't mention it." Came her monotone reply. Moments passed as they both sat in silence, listening to their teacher's discussion. Out the corner of her eyes, Shouko stared at the girl next to her and unconsciously observed her. (L/N) seemed to be the quiet type, a person of aptitude and predisposition. The dark haired girl's gaze lingered on (L/N)'s facial expression. It was void of any emotion; empty, and lacked life. She wondered if her seatmate was just rigorous?

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