Chapter 6: Declarations

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Warning: This chapter contains slightly suggestive themes and a bit of profanity. Knowing little Hime over here.


(Y/N) blinked in confusion as she unwillingly let go of Sakurai's arm.

"What's wrong, Seijūrō-san?" She questioned him. He said nothing in return before scowling.

"Akashi? You're here? Is that your girlfriend then? Seriously?" Aomine who couldn't sense the atmosphere said out loud.

"Daiki. Get that thing and yourself out of here. Now." The redhead seethed in fury, motioning to the unfortunate brunette who was quivering in fear. Aomine scoffed.

"Tch. Whatever. We were about to leave before that girl of yours came onto this guy herself. Oi, let's go." He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out, the latter trailing behind him. Akashi grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and dragged her into an isolated corner.

"You didn't have to be so rude to them. They did nothing wrong." (Y/N) said, disappointment obviously lacing her voice.

"Why is that, so you can flirt with that little weakling? Are you that interested in him?" Akashi spat at her coldly.

"I thought I had made it clear to you that whatever I do is none of your business." She retorted.

"And I thought you were not that oblivious enough not to see that it clearly is. Ignorance has its own limits."

"What are you trying to say? We're not even in the school grounds so that's more reason why you shouldn't interfere."

"I'm saying that you shouldn't try me, (Y/N)." He pinned her against the hard wall, lifting his free hand to cup her cheek.

"What are you doing? We're in public." She breathed out, looking away.

"I really don't want to hear that from you, my dear." He growled and buried his face on the crook of her neck, licking and sucking on her skin like a leech.


He ignored her and proceeded to trail butterfly kisses on her neck down to her collarbone. He shifted his hand around her waist before slipping them both inside her school shirt and running his fingers on the soft skin of her back. He tugged on her bra, too engrossed with himself to pay attention to anything else. His hands eventually traveled down lower, heedlessly groping her rear end much to her extreme discomfort.

"St-Stop...please...s-stop it. Don't..." She whimpered, hugging her body as if she was afraid of him seeing more of it. He finally regained his senses and stopped his actions as he realized she was trembling.

"I apologize. It was not my intention to frighten you." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear him. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around her and patted her head gently.

"It's f-fine." She stuttered, calming down. He could feel his stomach churning with guilt and regret.

"Come, I am sure you must be hungry right now." He led her back to their table where they found the blonde girl munching, chewing, and slurping her milkshake. Her face brightened when she spotted them coming.

"Hrey, (Y/N)! Thish tashtes sho ghood! And gosh shtop flurting ar--" She stopped as soon she saw her bestfriend's sullen expression and disarrayed features. She gulped down her food and stood up.

"Go ahead and enjoy yourself, (Y/N). I have to wash my face." She roughly grabbed Akashi's collar and dragged him with her.


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