Chapter 2: Outburst

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I apologize, I'm a half-assed and lazy proofreader. I hope you enjoy reading anyways and sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except for the plot. At least I hope I'm not plagiarizing anyone else's.


"(Y/N)'re so beautiful.." Rough and calloused hands caressed her soft face.


"I bought you new clothes, so take off those filthy ones you're wearing and go change."

"..I don't want them! I just want to get out! Please let me go--"


"Be quiet, sweetie. Now be a good girl and change into these." The man smiled and handed her the clothing. His twisted eyes savoring the sight of the beautiful (h/c) child holding her bruised cheek while cowering on the cold hard ground, both her ankles bound by chains.

"S-Sorry..I'm sorry.." She sobbed as she stripped herself off and began changing in front of him.

"Absolutely beautiful." He breathed out as he went near and ran his hands on her neck down to her collarbone...and lower.

"..Stop it. D-Don't touch me! You're disgusting!" She screamed as she slapped his hands away.

"Shut up! Do you see those chains around your pretty little ankles? You're bound to me forever! You are MINE and I'll make sure you know that!"

He grabbed her face violently and pushed her down as he started to ravish her-

"NO!" (Y/N) cried loudly as she sat up on her bed. She panted and looked around hysterically, finding herself in her own bedroom. She glanced at the clock.


She sighed and lifted the covers as she stared down at herself in antipathy.



"There she is again. I wonder who's her next victim?"

"I hope it's not my boyfriend..."

"Such a beauty. Too bad she plays around."

"How many guys has she been with already?"

"Just look at how tired and restless she is. She probably went at it all night."

"I heard the student council is dealing with her. I bet she's just doing it to attract attention."

Gossips rang through the hallways as (Y/N) passed by. She paid no heed for she had grown accustomed to this daily occurrence. Though, the same can't be said to the person beside her who was boiling furiously.

"Why can't they just mind their own business?" Hime gritted her teeth, glaring at the students.

"Leave them be." (Y/N) stated as she walked ahead.

"Wait, don't leave me too! Hey!" Hime ran to catch up with her.

"Are you going to the schoolyard?"


"Let's go to the garden first." Hime said and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm.


They both walked to their destination in peaceful silence. Normally, (Y/N) would appreciate the calm atmosphere, but something was clearly wrong with her bestfriend. She thought twice whether she should ask her or not.

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