Chapter 33: Absence

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Sorry, guys. Not much action here. Just a filler. :v
Expect more from the next chapter or so.


(Y/N) couldn't help but keep glancing at her phone, hoping to receive at least one text from a redhead.

It's been hours since their little fight and she has been on the edge. She stared at the stuffed toy next to her and embraced it, pretending that it was him.

Maybe...maybe she should text first? Tell him goodnight?

It was tearing her apart. She didn't have the courage in contacting him after being the one that caused the mayhem.

She could've sworn she was secretly a sadist who liked making the people she loves suffer. A part of her was starting to regret that she didn't say yes...but she couldn't. Not when a lot of things are holding her back.

'This pathetic side of mine...I'm sure he's tired of it by now.' She thought sadly, picking up her phone and typed in a message.


I'm sorry|

Are you asleep yet?|

She saved the texts as drafts, putting the device down when she heard the living room door open.

"I'm home, (Y/N) sweetie! Have you eaten yet?"

"Welcome home, mom...and yes, I did." Came her tired reply. (M/N) noticed her tone and immediately walked towards her daughter who was sulking on the couch.

"Did something happen?" She sat down beside the oversized teddy bear.

(Y/N) curled into a ball and buried her face into her thighs, "We...we were just having dinner then he suddenly asked me to come with him to another country. I didn't know what to say, he didn't even try to understand from my point of, he proposed to me..."

(M/N) gasped, "And?! What did you say?"

"I may have turned him down.."

She felt her face pulled up, staring into the same (e/c) eyes that held ferociousness,

"Stupid daughter of mine! Why would you say no?! You're perfect together! You won't find another one like him so don't you dare let him go!"

"If it was that easy for me then don't you think I wouldn't be having trouble right now? Besides, I can't just leave you here in Japan alone.."

"Don't worry about me, for goodness' sake! I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I don't want you throwing your happiness away for mine! If you're happy, then I am too!"

(Y/N) shook her head, "I still don't think I should go abroad. I want to achieve things and get somewhere with my own two feet...but first I'll work part-time.."

"I'm not against you studying abroad, sweetie! And don't be stupid! Don't underestimate our income just because we're in a single parent family. I've been depositing money into a bank account under your name for the past ten years..." (M/N) smiled, tucking a strand of hair away from her little one's forehead, "You can use that for university, of course."

She could see tears welling up in her daughter's eyes, "But mom, what about you? You have your own life too, stop thinking about mine..."

"I told you already, didn't I? I can handle myself." (M/N) smiled, "I'm not saying you should definitely go with him, that's up to you to decide, but make up with Seijūrō-kun, OK?" She wiped away her the tears.

"Yes, thanks mom..."

"Good. I'll go get you some warm milk, how does that sound?"

"I'd like that.." She yawned.

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