Chapter 19: Breakdowns

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I'm drunk on emotions.


"No! Why on earth would you even think of that?" (Y/N) retorted, offended.

"Because darling, it's not much of a shock to me that even women find you irresistible." He shot back, unconsciously running a hand in his hair out of slight frustration.

She refused to meet his eyes, "Stop saying that kind of thing."

"Why? We all know that it is true."

"Seijūrō, please."

"Tell me what happened. No secrets, remember? And just now, you tried to lie to my face. Do you know how upsetting that is?"

"..But she's a girl. You and I both know that I'm not into girls."

"Gender matters not to me, and if she was a man? What do you think would've happened then?"

She stared at him, "Well, she's not."

"What if I was the one who came home, smelling of women's perfume while my neck was covered in lipstick marks and when you asked why, I tried to lie to you? Would you not care?"

(Y/N) felt her stomach drop, "I definitely wouldn't like it at all...but I also didn't want to cause a misunderstanding so I didn't want to bring it up."

"Do you know that planning to keep it a secret from me is much more worse than wanting to avoid a misunderstanding?"

She didn't say anything back.

He sighed and gave up, "Alright then. Anyhow, I will be staying over the night since your mother told me she wouldn't be able to make it home for a few days due to work and the increased number of patients."

"I see. You don't have to stay here, you know."

"I don't have to, yet I don't want to leave you home alone." Something in his red hues glimmered, "Do you really need me to say it out loud? Throughout all the times we've been together, the more greedy I became. I'm afraid of being the person you might detest in the future."

Her lips trembled a bit, "Seijūrō..."

He reached out to touch her then halted his actions.

She looked at him with perplexity and affliction.

"Go take a shower. I don't think I can stand this nauseating scent any longer." He quibbled firmly, going to the kitchen.


The Next Day

"Hey, (Y/N)! Are you listening?" Hime tapped her pen on her desk moments after she finished passing her test paper.

"What?" She received a grunt.

"You've been looking all muddled today. What's up?" The blonde laid her arms on the surface.

"Seijūrō.." She answered in a soft murmer, though loud enough for her bestfriend to hear.

"Yeah?! He did something to you yesterday, didn't he?!" She guessed, raising a fist.

"No...He's upset with me." (Y/N) stated, crestfallen.

Hime bit her tongue, "Ahh? Why? What'd you do now?"

"More importantly, why didn't you tell me I didn't get all of the lipstick off?" (Y/N) glowered, "Seijūrō saw."

"What does it matter? Wasn't he supposed to?" Hime pointed out, confused, "You didn't try to hide what happened, did you? You know better than to keep anything from that sensitive and needy little shit."

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