Chapter 7: Confrontation

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If there's anything you'd like to ask, please don't be shy to do so~ C:

You belong to Akashi~ (╯з╰)


(Y/N) let out a breath, looking anywhere but the redhead next to her.

"When you say it like that, it's difficult for me to refuse, you know?"

Akashi smiled widely.

"I've never thought I'd feel this happy."

"But I would like to ask one thing from you before you do anything." She interjected.

"Anything for you. What is it?" He cooed.

"Please, and I mean please. Keep it low-key. Refrain from doing anything...showy or conspicuous."

His smile faltered. Why would she say that? If anything, he would love to shower her with his unyielding affections and flaunt her to the public eye. He was just that kind of man. If--when she finally agrees to date him, he felt that it would be more than a fantasy. He would take her on dates, flower her with presents, and then when it's the right time and place, he would love more than anything to make love to her while whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she squirms underneath him with a satisfied expression on her face.

As clichéd as that sounds, he was just that kind of man.

He managed to stop his overflowing delusions before it got out of hand. Sticking to his words, he spoke,

"Of course, (Y/N). If that is what is most comfortable for you. I will just have to do my best in private then. Though in return," He trailed off.


"Don't look at other men besides me."


"(Y/N)." Akashi started, "I think it is only fair, no? Since you refuse to let me court you openly in public."

'This guy...' (Y/N) inwardly sulked, finishing all her pastries with the said guy sitting back in his seat to enjoy watching his beloved stuff herself, his smile going back on his face.

"Seijūrō-san?" She called out after swallowing.


"Why are you even interested in me?"

"Something about you just captivates me. I like how you are kind by nature even if you do not realize it yourself. Humble yet dignified. You are the woman I want to be with no matter what others may say."

"Huh, is that so." Was her indifferent reply.

'They say that but their feelings never last long. I don't see the point why they even bother.' She thought stereotypically.

"So it seems." Akashi commented.

"I told you this before but you really are a smooth talker. You must have your fair share of past relationships." She slurped her milkshake.

"Ah, no. This is the first time I have ever been interested in someone." He looked to the side.

(Y/N) widened her eyes a little. She covered her mouth as she nearly choked while stifling a laugh.

"(Y/N)..? What's wrong? Did you cho--"


Akashi frowned, furrowing his brows.

"Is something funny? Why are you laughing?"

"I didn't expect you to be actually a virgin." She stopped laughing, a smirk growing on her lips.

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