Chapter 36: Bars in Between

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Yeah. This may or may not contain feels.

Time to settle a predicament that'll finally put an ease to it all.


It took a lot of convincing and some hair pulling persuasion skills for the redhead but he eventually got his fiancée to come study abroad with him. She initially refused a few times, when she thought that she couldn't find it in her heart to leave her mother alone or abandon her chores that was part of her daily routine. Akashi told her that he'd send some of the maids from his household to take care of things whenever her mother can't come home.

Then she started thinking about how he would be able to manage himself alone in a foreign country without anyone to care for him. She couldn't bear the thought and decided. She will stick by him at all costs.

"Sei?" She called out to her fiance who was currently working something on his laptop in his room. They had finished packing all of their belongings and were leaving Japan in a week.

He stopped typing and turned to look at her, "Yes, dear?"

"I have somewhere to go to. I'll be back soon." She said, fixing herself.

"Where are you going? I'll come with you," He offered and was about to shut his laptop off when she shook her head and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Finish your work first. I'm just going to buy some things."

"Are you sure, (Y/N)? It's raining, don't forget to bring an umbrella and watch out for slippery roads. On second thought, I will come with you after all."

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll have Chizuru-san accompany me, if that makes you feel better?"

"...That will calm my nerves. Alright, come back right away." He stood up to press an open mouthed kiss on her lips, pushing his tongue in roughly as she let hers dance with his for a while. She felt his arms snaking around her, playfully trailing circles on the small of her back, eliciting a soft moan from her.

Giving her one last peck, he pulled away, "Take care. I love you."

"I love you too. Now go finish your work so I can leave already." She patted his cheek before walking out the door.


"Please be careful with your steps, (Y/N)-sama. It's just further ahead." The middle aged maid guided her uphill towards a serene, grassy meadow full of plants. (Y/N) continued walking as she held onto both the flowers and umbrella in her arms.

"Thank you for accompanying me here, Chizuru-san. It means a lot."

"It's my pleasure. I'm certain that the late mistress would be happy to have her future daughter-in-law visit her grave. Although you could have picked a better day when the condition of the weather isn't pouring to avoid any risks."

"It's fine, isn't it? The weather is rather perfect for me." She chuckled, stopping in front of a gravestone.

"I suppose. I'll leave you to it then, (Y/N)-sama." Chizuru headed off to a distance in order to give the girl some alone time.

赤司 詩織
Akashi Shiori


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