Chapter 31: Frolicking

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I apologize for the late update. I've been down with the flu for the past few days and I couldn't concentrate on writing because my body kept overheating. Bless my little sister for bringing home an epidemic disease from boarding school. 😭


"Come on, (Y/N). Tell us!"

"Oh my God. Shut up, will you." Hime glared, splashing some of the water from the tub on the dark haired girl.

"Shh, I wasn't asking you, you virgin blondie." Shouko stuck out her tongue before turning to (Y/N), "How good was he in bed?"

(Y/N) shrunk under the water, embarrassment flooding through her. "..None of your business."

"Don't be embarrassed, we're all girls here~ Right, Momoi-chan?"

The pinkette smiled uncomfortably, "A-Ah, yeah? What are we talking about again?"

"Hmm, don't tell me you're a virgin too?"

"Not everyone is like you!"

Momoi flushed, "There's nothing wrong with that! I'm saving my first time for Tetsu-kun!"

"I'm surprised, with a body like that..and you mean that light blue haired shorty?"

"Yes, he's so handsome, right?" Her pink eyes sparkled as she brought her hands to her cheeks.

"Sure..." Shouko laughed, "So (Y/N), you still haven't told us about your experience with that redhead of yours. Is it true that big things come in small packages?" She smirked.

"Shouko." (Y/N) pursed her lips, "You know how much I don't like talking about these kinds of things with you." She always felt awkward sharing her personal encounters in the past with anyone especially including the ones she considered close so she never once did.

"But at least tell us, was he a good lay?"

"Excuse me, ladies. We're currently offering massages. Would any of you care for our services?" A female worker interrupted, coming through the sliding doors.

"I'll have one." (Y/N) stood up, wrapping the towel around her. Momoi followed her actions,

"Me too! Didn't Ki-chan and Mukkun get one too?"

"Yes, I think."

"Ohh, is it because your body is aching from all--Oww!" Shouko cried in pain as she felt someone pull her strands.

"I thought I told you to shut up." Hime growled.


Meanwhile, the guys except were in the arcade on the highest floor. Aomine and Kuroko were playing the shooting game.

"Tetsu, on your right! Shoot 'em in the head!"

"I know, so please don't yell. I'm not blind, Aomine-kun."

On the other hand, Midorima was on the basketball game, as his three pointers sailed in smoothly one after another.

"Waaah, look at that green haired uncle! He didn't miss a single shot!" A small crowd of children gathered behind him, murming whispers of praises.

"Impressive as always, Midorima." Akashi who was beside him with his arms crossed, chuckled.

"Tch, of course. Cancer is first on the list today and I have my lucky item with me. Plus, this distance is not much of a chore." He replied a little snobbishly.

"Your superstitious obsession never ceases to amuse me."

"Are you looking down on Oha-Asa?"

"Of course not. Whether you do or don't believe in such things is up to you."

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