Chapter 20: Disposition

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Here's another chapter!


"Seijūrō?! Wake up! Sei!" (Y/N) kneeled down and tried shaking him awake. She sniffled and made an attempt to carry his heavy torso up but found it highly impossible due to her tiny stature.

"Oi, (Y/N)-chan! Is everything okay?!" Kakihara ran over towards them as soon he heard her yell.

"What does it look like?! No, it's not okay! Seijūrō just passed out! He won't wake up!" She croaked, still wobbling the boy's limp body.

"Alright, alright! You need to calm down. He'll probably die first before he even wakes up if you continue to shake him that much." He commented, going to her side to check the fallen male.

She quivered, an awful feeling surging throughout her entire being.

"What should we do? Why did he faint? What's wrong with him?"

"Relax. He's just asleep. I'm guessing this guy hasn't slept for days. His body couldn't take it anymore and collapsed." Kakihara mounted Akashi on his back, "Ugh. For a short guy, Akashi sure weighs a hell lot." Even though the redhead was shorter than him, he was more toned and heavier than the slender silverette. The older guy masked a sly face, "Do you need me to carry him home?"

"..I'm sorry to bother you, Kakihara-senpai.." She hung her head in shame.

"Hey, I can't refuse a request from a small, adorable, and helpless little girl."

She scrutinized her brows, prompting him to say it again.

"I'm kidding, (Y/N)-chan~ Of course, I can. I'm actually in the student council too and I respect Akashi. I'm the secretary." He grinned.

"Are you making a joke again?"

"No! It's true! I really am!"

"Well, OK. Good for you. Please wait here while I go get Seijūrō's things." She stated, tying the red ribbon around his wrist. She stroked and kissed Akashi's hair before running to the other direction.

Kakihara adjusted his position, propping the guy higher on his back.

'I didn't expect her to lose her cool over this guy...what a troublesome maiden.'


"Are you sure you're not busy?"

"Yeah, no worries. I don't have any plans for today. I'll stay for a bit." Kakihara stretched his limbs after placing Akashi on the bed.

(Y/N) nodded, "...Can you watch over him while I take care of something downstairs?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Take your time. I'll just chill here." He plopped himself on the beanbag, examining her room, "Wow, what a clean room. No doubt, a neat freak."

She grunted and went out, closing the door behind her.

Kakihara stood up, going over to the nightstand and spotting a few framed pictures. He recognized it as Akashi and herself, most likely from an event considering how formally they were dressed. She looked anxious, though letting out a shy smile, as the redhead casually drapped an arm around the girl's waist with an amused face.

Another photo consisted of them both with six more people who each had a colorful hair color, at a basketball court. Akashi had his arm around her shoulders while holding a basketball on his other hand next to a light blue haired boy who wasn't staring at the camera but instead at the tall blonde guy beside him who, not to mention, was sporting on a stupid wink and a thumbs up. At his side, was a gorgoeus pink haired girl, resting a hand on his back. Behind her, was a navy haired guy who was looking annoyed as ever at God only knows who, in the middle back was a freakishly tall purple haired man with a cap on as he also had a bored face, and lastly there at the right side of him stood a grumpy, green haired man who wore black rimmed glasses, seeming like he despised life itself.

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