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Well a few weeks ago I posted the description of this story on one of my others and now I'm writing. Check out my cast and fi you get lost with some of the characters don't panic!



Let me kick this tale off by stating one thing. This isn’t a story about supernatural beings. It’s a story about normal humans with amazing abilities. Now that that’s cleared up, let’s get on with the story. My name is Brooklyn Ella Fabray. I’m seventeen years old. There are sixteen other kids who are known to possess abilities like I have. As well as our extreme abilities, we all have geographical names. We were all put in a special class in Rockwell High, class 19864. We’re a tight nit group of friends to say the least. We stick together because even though the other, ‘normal’ kids at our school don’t know the truth about us; they know we’re not normal. They think we’re weird. And we don’t want to be.

                Let me introduce you to my extended family.  My best friends are Adelaide Lola Kelley and Lucia Scott Jackson. Adelaide is seventeen and Lucia is sixteen. Adelaide is named after a city in Australia and Lucia after an island in the Caribbean. Adelaide is tall and she has long bronze hair and blue eyes while Lucia is the exact opposite, with blonde hair and green eyes. Adelaide’s nickname is Ada and Lucia goes by Luc. Austin Mitchell Roberts is eighteen years old. He’s tall with bronze hair and he’s the hottest guy in our class. He’s named after the city in Texas. Orlando David Jackson is sixteen. He has blonde hair and green eyes, the exact same as his twin sister, my best friend Lucia. He’s named after Orlando, Florida. Nova Leona Shay and Phoenix Hugh Reece are the only couple in our class. They’re both nineteen and are named after a city in Canada and Phoenix, Arizona. Nova is beautiful, with flowing blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Phoenix is pretty easy on the eyes too. He’s of average height with dark hair.

                Florence Mae Sprouse and Verona Olivia Logan have two things in common: they’re both twenty one and they’re both named after cities in Italy. They’re constantly joined at the hip so most of the class have taken to calling them the twins. Florence or Flo has red hair and green eyes and Verona or Vie has hair as black as the night and eyes that match. Geneva Kate Leigh and Paris Michelle O’Driscoll are best friends. They’re named after cities in Switzerland and France, are both twenty and both have blonde hair and green eyes. London Jane Stately, named after the capital city of England is fifteen and tends to keep to herself. She’s not stuck up, just shy. She has midnight black hair and blue eyes that twinkle when the light catches them. The youngest of all the girls is Dakota Elliot Montgomery. She’s twelve years old and cute as a button. She has chocolate brown hair and eyes the same colour and is named after the states in America.

                Kyoto Michael Cole and Shelton Christopher Fitzgerald are both nineteen and are best friends. They have a similar look, both with black hair and are named after cities in Japan and Connecticut. The oldest of the whole class is Harper John Stanley, named after the city in Kansas. At twenty two he’s the oldest of us all and is kind of the big brother figure. He’s very blonde and has green eyes. The most distinguishing features he has are his eyebrow piercing and the tattoo on his wrist that reads diversae. Different in Latin. That leaves Travis Blake Tyree. He’s sixteen, named after the city in Texas and he’s absolutely crazy about London. He sort of keeps to himself too but sometimes he hangs around with Luc’s brother Orlando. The only adult who truly understands us is Miss Elizabeth Coventry or as we know her, Beth. Her surname is the same as a city in England and she’s thirty five. She’s our guardian.

                Now that introductions are out of the way, let’s get on with the story. By the way, don’t worry if you don’t remember everyone just remember, myself, Brooke, my best friends Luc and Ada and Austin, the hottest guy in our class. Anyone else you remember is a bonus! This story is about a journey. A journey we all went on. Some of us to meet and grow closer to new people. Others to escape. But we were all freed in some way or other. And here’s how.

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