Chapter 15: Brook

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Song: Don't Cry for me Argentina by Madonna


Chapter 15: Brook

I’m back! I haven’t had a good story telling session with you guys for ages. Focus Brook! Sorry. I tend to go off on a rant like that sometimes. It’s early and Beth has just called us down for a meeting. That’s never good. It either means we’re all being punished for something, or we have chores!

                Okay, almost everyone is here which means the meeting will be starting soon. And Beth has just walked in so that means the meeting is starting.

“Ok guys. Most of you are probably wondering why I’ve called you here since the only time I ever call meetings is when you’re in trouble or you have chores.”

“You’ve got that right.” Vie shouts.

The class bursts into giggles and so does Beth.

“Anyways, the reason we’re here is actually quite serious. It has come to my attention that a lot of class members are leaving campus without my permission and that has never been the case. That rule stands as it always has. If you are leaving you need to notify me. If you cannot find me, you write it on the notice board in the lounge. Because this rule has not been respected, we have lost three class members this week. Nova, Pheonix and Kyoto have all disappeared without notifying me. I have received word from Phoenix that he and Nova will be back later today but I haven’t heard anything from Kyoto. Kyoto Cole has been kidnapped. We’re not doing anything drastic until we can pick up anything. The organization should be able to locate him. In the meantime nobody leaves the complex without asking me.”

We all nod solemnly and then Beth dismisses us.

                “Hey Brook wait up!”

I turn around to see Orlando running up to me.

“Hey. What’s up?” I ask.

He shrugs. “The theatre is showing a production of Evita tomorrow night. I know you loved it because you said Madonna was amazing as Eva in 1996 so I got us tickets to go.”

I smile. “Thanks so much Orlando!” I hug him tightly. “You’re the best.”

He smiles. “I will meet you in the lounge at six thirty tomorrow evening. Show starts at 7.30!”

I nod. “See you then!”

Orlando smiles and runs off down the corridor to find Travis.

                I sigh. Orlando’s great and he’s one of my best friends. Heck, we grew up together! But is it wrong for me to have feelings for him and Austin? Is it wrong for me to love them both? Can what I’m doing be classed as cheating? How do I justify that? I’m not a person who cheats. And I don’t want to hurt either of them. But my feelings are an emotional tangle I’m not quite ready to try and untangle yet.

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