Chapter 25: Brook

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Song: Firework by Katy Perry


Chapter 25: Brook

It’s Brook again! I went to see Evita last week with Orlando and it was amazing! Tonight I’m going to the beach with Austin. A carnival just opened on the pier and he was desperate to try it out. I agreed of course. With everything that’s going on, a distraction is nice, if only for a few hours.

                When Austin comes to my room, Ada is sitting by my dressing table doing her make up as she’s going to a movie with Toby. Luc had gone to dinner with Harper and Orlando and Travis were learning to play chess with Phoenix and Nova. That I found particularly funny since Orlando always said chess was a boring game. 

                Austin smiles when I answer the door and he hands me a gift bag.

“What’s this?” I ask, reaching my hand into the bag.

“A late Valentine’s day gift.” Austin replies.

I smile and pull the thickly knitted pink scarf from the bag. This is so sweet and perfect for late February in New York.

“Thank you.”

Austin pulls me into a hug and I hug him back, cautious of Ada watching us.

“Shall we go?” Austin asks.

I nod and turn quickly. “Bye Ada. Have fun!”

She smiles and nods and goes back to applying eyeliner.

                When Austin and I arrive at the beach, he goes over to the little counter and buys us both hot chocolate. I accept mine with a grateful smile and we walk silently along the beach, hand in hand. The cold air whips my arms that are only lightly covered and I shiver.

“Are you cold?” Austin asks.

I shake my head but my teeth chatter and give me away.  He shakes his head at me and pulls off his jacket. I begin to protest but he shakes his head and wraps the jacket around my shoulders. I slip my arms into the too long sleeves and inhale deeply. The jacket holds the same scent as Austin’s skin, a musky apple scent. The jacket is too big but in a comforting way. I nestle into the jacket and Austin wraps his arm around me. I smile. This is perfect.

                “Shall we go to the carnival?” Austin asks after a while.

I nod and we begin to walk to the far side of the pier.

“Big wheel!” Austin yells enthusiastically.

I laugh nervously.

“Come on!” Austin yells with a chuckle, pulling me towards the gate.

As soon as we walk through the gate Austin makes a beeline for the Ferris wheel, much to my disgust.

                “Let’s go on that!” Austin says pointing to the wheel.

I shake my head.

“Why not?” Austin asks, disappointment clear in his voice.

I look up to the top of the Ferris wheel and back down to the ground.

“Heights?” Austin asks.

I nod. 

“Come on. I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”

I shake my head again.

“If you don’t like it after the first rotation we’ll get off.”

I hesitate then nod. We walk over slowly and when we arrive Austin climbs into the carriage first. He holds his hands out to me and helps me climb up. I settle into the seat beside Austin and he wraps an arm around my waist. I nestle into his side as the ride begins to move and by the time we’re halfway to the top, I’ve buried my face in Austin’s shoulder.

                “Please just look around for me.” Austin begs after ages of trying to coax me away from his shoulder.

I take a deep breath and lift my head but before I can open my eyes to look around, Austin is kissing me. I kiss him back and when he pulls away, I smile and nestle more into his side while my eyes explore the surrounding world. Everything is so small from up here. After four more turns, we climb out of the carriage. As Austin helps me down I look over to the stall games and see Harper and Lucia.

“Let’s go say hi.” I say.

Austin nods and we make our way over.

                “Hey Luc!” I call.

She looks up and sees me and pulls Harper over to us. She gives me a hug and smiles at Austin.

“I think I might be dreaming or is it possible that I just saw Brooklyn Ella Fabray climb off a Ferris wheel?!”

I laugh and nod. “It was pretty amazing.”

“Mhm.” Lucia says with a raised eyebrow.

“Anyways Brook. We should probably get going if we’re going to make dinner.” Austin says.

I nod. “See you later Luc. Bye Harper!”

They wave and Austin and I continue through the carnival.

                It’s after twelve when Austin and I arrive at the complex. He walks me right to my door and takes both my hands in his, pulling me towards him. He kisses me softly and I smile.

“Thank you for tonight.” I whisper.

He nods and I pull off his jacket, handing it back to him. It is then that I glimpse the scrawl on his arm. Thick black letters are visible where his sleeve has bunched up. I take his arm and read over the letters.


“Austin what is this?” I question.


Now I want an Austin! I hate myself for creating awesome guy characters because I expect real guys to be like that. Not as much as I hate John Green for creating the amazingness that was Augustus Waters!

Fangirling over!

Thanks for reading!

Sarah xx

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