Chapter 28: Kyoto

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Song: Safe&Sound by Taylor Swift Ft. The Civil Wars


Chapter 28: Kyoto

Well I guess you could say this is like an experiment. I’m kind of hijacking the story. I mean no one’s ever been inside my head before. You’re only in the heads of the important people right? Brook, Ada, Lucia, Beth. Important people. I’m just me, the one who got kidnapped. My name is Kyoto Michael Cole and I’m nineteen years old. My best friend is Shelton Fitzgerald. I’ve been here at the complex since I was ten years old. Gave my parents quite a shock I’ll admit. It was then that I also met ten year old Nova Shay, ten year old Phoenix Reece, eleven year olds Geneva Leigh and Paris O’Driscoll, twelve year olds Flo and Vie, the oldest child, thirteen year old Harper Stanley and our guardian Elizabeth Coventry. Since then, children have appeared every year, the newest being Shelton only two years ago. He was, what Beth called, a late developer.

                But anyways, enough of that. You don’t care about my life before this story began! You want to know who kidnapped me. What kind of torture chamber they are keeping me in and what kind of punishments I’m being submitted to. Well in actual fact, being kidnapped isn’t too bad. I’m being kept in the luxury penthouse suite of some random hotel. I haven’t met my kidnapper yet. He’s always out. His assistant, twenty six year old Robert Cruise has been babysitting me so to speak. He’s rather odd looking. Like a human but not human. He’s a sufferer of the stone curse, a deadly curse passed onto us gifted by a recessive gene. He was an unlucky one. They say one in fifteen of us gifted carry this gene but only one in five will ever have this gene activated. If it’s one in fifteen, that means someone in the complex carries this gene. Obviously it isn’t activated but maybe their children will have it activated. I wonder who it is. Sorry. Shelton says I go off like that sometimes. It’s rather infuriating sometimes.

                I’ve been here for almost a week and a half now and Robert has just notified me that my kidnapper has requested to have lunch with me in the penthouse. Robert says I should try not to infuriate him and the guy has a foul temper. I’m led into the spacious dining room of the penthouse and to my utter shock I see Austin.

“Dude. What the hell?” I shout.

“Don’t speak to me like that!” He barks.

“I deserve some answers. You kidnapped me? I live with you! You know how Beth reacts to things like this. How could you do this to her?”

“She’s as weak as the rest of that bunch of misfits and when I’ve completely taken over this body-”

“Wait what?” I ask.

“Do not interrupt me. As I was saying, when I have completely taken over this body and Austin Mitchell no longer exists, I will gain full power of that group of misfits. It’ll be side with me or die. I’m fine with either option.”

“But Austin’s still alive right?” I ask.

Austin’s body shrugs. “For the time being. He’s still fighting me. He gets some time in this body. No more than a few hours every day. That’s why you have not seen me before now. These spells were infrequent and hard to anticipate. I couldn’t risk allowing the real Austin to know your location. He might let you go or worse, send a rescue mission before I could enslave or kill them.”

“How long does he have left?” I ask, shuddering.

“Austin’s soul has approximately one month left in this body before my own soul wins it over. His soul is weak. I’m amazed his girlfriend hasn’t noticed yet.”

“Austin doesn’t have a girlfriend.” I say.

“Well he’s been spending a lot of time with one of the girls at your misfit asylum.”

I ignore the rude insult from the soulless demon.

“Brook.” I mutter.

“What was that?” The demon asks.

I shake my head. “Nothing. What is your name then?”

The demon smiles maliciously and holds up his arm. Thick black letters are printed there.

“As you can see I have taken the liberty of tattooing my name onto the body I occupy. Itoust Achint Bellerts. I always create an anagram of the full name of the person in the body I occupy. Keeps things interesting, you know?”

I nod although I don’t know.

                I know one thing for sure though. Somehow, I have to catch Itoust when it’s Austin. He needs to help me get out of here so I can warn Beth and the class. Otherwise Austin will be a fond memory of the good old days along with our lives.


Surprise! Austin is the demon! But who do we think will live? Austin or Itoust? Sorry for the weird name by the way. It's an anagram of Austin's name!

Thanks for reading!

Sarah-who-has-finished-TFiOS-for-the-fifth-time-and-is-disappointed-because-it-is-still-super-sad-but-totally-worth-reading! xx

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