Chapter 2- Lucia

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Song: Wherever You Will Go by The Calling


Chapter 2- Lucia

Well I suppose inside Brook’s head is pretty cool. She’s always got some bright idea. I’m Lucia Jackson. You’ve already been introduced to me as one of Brook’s best friends. I’m a telekinetic and my brother is Orlando. Having a twin is kind of weird. I mean he’s a good brother and we’re the only ones with actual family around but sometimes it’s strange. I have a story to tell you though.

                The other day I was walking in from the rose garden and decided to take a shortcut past our quiet room. While walking I heard singing and a guitar. None of class 19864 plays instruments. I know that. Nova sings sometimes but other than that no one. Or no one we know of. I’m about to keep going to the class when I hear the words. “So lately, been wondering who will be there to take my place. When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face. If a greater wave shall fall,”

I crack the door open slowly to see Harper facing away from the door playing a guitar. I tiptoe slowly behind him and listen to him. His voice is amazing and I love the song he’s singing.

                When he finishes I begin clapping. He turns around slowly to face me and I see tears glistening on his cheeks.

“Are you ok?” I ask.

He nods slowly. “I’m fine. How did you find me?”

“I took a shortcut from the garden.” I tell him.

He nods.

“That was amazing you know. I love that song.”

He smiles. “I do too. It reminds me of someone really special.”

I nod. “Me too. That was the song at my grandfather’s funeral.”

Harper smiles. “Really?”

I nod. “It used to upset me but I really love it now.”

He nods.

“Who does it remind you of?” I ask.

He turns around for a moment and when he turns back, I see tears on his cheeks.

“Oh Harper I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about it.”

He shakes his head. “No it’s fine. No one’s ever asked me before.”

“You don’t have to tell me.” I say.

“Can I? I’ve never talked to anyone about it before.”

I nod. “Of course. If you want to.”

                He takes a deep breath and I grab a stool, unsure of what to expect.

“I got my first showing of abilities when I was twelve. At that time, the organization didn’t exist. There weren’t many of us. I was walking along a busy road with my mother. It was loud and windy and I was trying to ask her something but she couldn’t hear me. I reached out and touched her shoulder and she flew into the middle of the road. The cars had no idea what had happened. Neither did I. Somebody phoned an ambulance but I knew she was already gone. It was my fault. I killed her.”

By now, Harper is crying, tears running down his cheeks.

“Harper. I’m so sorry.”

He shakes his head. “After she’d been taken to the hospital and pronounced dead, Beth was sent to get me. She told me I wasn’t the only one of my kind. She was like me. They founded the organization and a year later, Flo and Vie came here. Then Geneva and Paris and so on.”

“This is why you don’t like being around Dakota isn’t it?” I ask.

Harper looks up at me. “What?”

“You won’t be around Dakota. If she asks you to help her with something you tell her to ask someone else. She’s twelve. It reminds you of when your mother died. She’s so happy but you were miserable at that age.”

Harper nods reluctantly. “Yes. I don’t like being around her because she reminds me of that time in my life.”

                “Things will be ok.” I promise.

Harper nods.

“I can’t promise that you and Dakota will be ok but I can try and help you be around her.”

Harper nods. “Thank you Lucia.”

I nod and he hugs me.

I smile. I know how hard it is for Harper to open up to people. I’m hoping I can help him with Dakota.

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