Chapter 33: Beth

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Song: Against All Odds by Phil Collins


Chapter 33: Beth

Lucia’s been inconsolable for days now. She thinks she’s going to lose Harper. He can’t remember a time when they were a couple which means he can’t recall his feelings for her. Orlando has been trying in vain to comfort her. Nothing seems to be working though. So I decided I’m going to ask Christian if he’ll talk to her. He’ll understand; I’m sure of it. Harper’s as confused about his feelings towards Christian as he is of his feelings towards Lucia so Christian and Lucia can bond over that and maybe they can find a way to help Harper remember. 

              “Chris, I have a favour to ask.” I say as we eat dinner that night.

“What is it?” He asks, taking my hand across the table.

“I was wondering if you’d try and talk to Lucia for me.”

“Harper’s girlfriend?” Christian asks.

I nod. “She’s in the same position as you and she’s sort of become inconsolable. I thought maybe since you were in the same situation you could try and comfort her. The two of you could bond over that.”

Christian nods. “I see no reason why I can’t try. Maybe it will even be good for us.”

I nod. “I think she could use the support. She’s so fragile. It always worried me about her. I thought her and Harper could help each other since they were both so fragile. But I guess things don’t always turn out the way we hope they will.” I say with a sigh.

“Love can do anything.” Chris says. “They love each other. They will be okay. It may take time but some things are meant to happen.”

“Like what?”

“Like them. Like us.”

I smile. “You really think we were meant to happen? Like against all odds?”

Christian nods. “I don’t think. I know. I know as well as I know the stars and the moon and everything is space couldn’t be as perfect as you are. The same as I know nothing can ever be as special to me as you are. And I know exactly the same about Harper and Lucia. I know they are meant to be like I know the sky is blue and the sun is hot.”

I smile. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Chris replies, taking my hand.  

“And I believe you. I believe that we are mean to be and I believe that they are too. They’ll be okay.”

Chris nods.

“But what about Kyoto. I’m so worried about him.”

“He’ll be okay.”

“But how can you be sure?” I ask.

“Because he was raised by the toughest, most badass person I know.”

I laugh. “You are too much Mr Santiago.”

“Always a pleasure to see you smile Miss Coventry.”

I smile again which makes Chris laugh.  

“You know I think there’s something we need to change.” Chris says seriously.

“Oh is there? And what might that be?” I ask with a smirk.

“Well don’t get me wrong, I think Elizabeth Coventry is a beautiful name but something about that surname just isn’t working for me.”

I smile. “Oh really?”

Chris nods. “So, I think we should change it to something more fitting. What do you think?” He asks, holding a ring out in front of him.

I smile, tears forming in my eyes. “I agree. I think a surname change will be most fitting.”

Chris smiles. “I’m glad you think so.”

He leans across the table and kisses me.

“I love you so much.” He says.

I smile. “The feeling is mutual."

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