~Chapter 1~

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Halsey POV

It's the start of June.

Josh is out with Tyler. I'm home alone because I didn't want to stand the heat. Summer in New York is surprisingly terrible because of the heat. But in LA, it's worse. I haven't visited in a year.

I'm not married yet, thank God. I don't need to be married so young and when I just got into the music business. It's not like I don't want to get married, but you should understand. I've been with Josh for awhile now, but I'm only 22 years old.

Ring! Ring! I looked at my phone and saw it ringing. I was getting a call from an unknown number. Probably one of those stupid guys who've been calling my number from the bar. Tyler dared Josh to write my number on the bathroom walls of a bar and he actually did it.

I answered it out of annoyance. " Hello?"

" Halsey?" The voice said. It sounded familiar in a way. But I couldn't recognize it. Who was this? " It's me. You should know me."

" I don't know you, sadly. And if I knew you, I'd have your number in my phone. Also you wouldn't have to have a blocked number. Thanks for wasting my time, bye," and immediately hung up. I rolled off the bed and exited the room.

Josh's shirt and some panties were my main attire in this apartment. We didn't really go anywhere because we were both working on music. Josh was apart of this band with Tyler called Twenty One Pilots. I'm proud of both of them. I, on the other hand, was an artist myself. I wrote a whole album called Room 93 last year. Now I'm working on a new album that I'm still thinking of a name for.

I went over to the music room and saw all of our equipment sent up. I looked in my journal where I wrote everything down. From poems to lyrics. Well, poems are basically lyrics to me already. I sat down in the chair and started reading through my lyrics.

New Americana. Flip page.

Drive. Flip page.

Colors. I've been working on that one really hard. I'm trying to think of a real story behind it. Well, there is. It's based on an ongoing poem that I've written before. I wrote it after we first moved in to this apartment. Flip page.

Ryan's POV

I sighed. It's finally June. It's finally warm. I mean, living somewhere in New York? Half the time it's freezing! I hate it. I miss LA. Even though I was just there last year visiting Jon. He hasn't left since after high school. We don't talk about Audrey. They're probably still together.

I've been living with Z. She made me go to college, so that's what I'm doing. I'm third year in. She literally made me go. She sent out my application and everything. But whatever, at least I don't have to pay rent since she got this really cool office job and got us a nice house. Yup. A fucking house. How cool is that?

She's at work right now. She starts at 8 and gets off at 5 through the weekdays. Z is off on the weekends thank God. She's like my only friend. I don't really talk to anyone at my school. I don't live at the dorms so I don't socialize much.

Ever since I moved to New York with Z, I haven't talked to Helena. At all. We lost touch. We never really broke up. But..we don't talk and it's weird because I never tried looking for a girl over here. I feel like I'd be cheating. Maybe Helena has a boyfriend already. Then it'd be okay. I haven't seen Helena in 5 years. I left to New York in the fall after the summer I graduated.

Helena hasn't talked to me in 4 years. It's been too long and I feel that I should break up with her. This relationship has no communication and I'm sure she's fallen for someone else already. I still have her number. And I still have her number. Yes. I remember her. I'll always remember her. She's the first love of my life and always will be.


I stared at the one picture I had of her. She was so beautiful. I was so in love with her. I've loved her for so long and I know deep down in my heart, I always will. It hurts to say that because what if I still love her when I have a wife and kids? Everything will be so hard. She's just made such an impact on my life and maybe that's why I love her. Loved her.

I wish we were at least still friends. I miss her sassy remarks. I miss how she saw people's true colors behind everything. She was a special person. Then I remembered, I never deleted her number. I moved all the contacts I had on my las phone and moved it to the phone I have now. Then I saw her contact name. Halsey Evens

Before I could even decided, I pressed on the call button.

" Hello?" Her voice was different the last time I heard it. I can barely remember it. I just know it was more soft, innocent and just not this tough. " Hello?" She said again. " Okay whoever this is, this time I can fucking see your number. Fuck off." I flinched. She was so sweet and she could say something like this, but not to someone completely random. She's a good person.

" Hey Hals. You seem different. I haven't talked to you in years," I said.

" Who is this?"

" An old friend. I hope you've been doing good. And if you still don't recognize me, it's Ryan. Ryan Ross," I smiled. It was like I was meeting her again. A new her. She must be a different person now but has a heart of gold. I can barely remember the first time I met her. I was rude. Now I want to start off nice.

" Ryan? Ryan from high school! Oh my God! How are you?! It's been way too long. I haven't talked to you in years, my friend! And yes I have been doing good. I'm a musician now," she chuckled.

" I've been good too. Third year into college. Z made me go. And you're a musician?! Oh my God, I have to listen to your music. Did you show everyone your lyrics from high school?"

" Yes I did. Well not all, only the cool ones. I don't want to be deep all over," she giggled. "And I see you're still living with Z. How is she?"

" She's good too. She's been working at the office job and it's good pay. We have a house in New York. You should visit sometime, wherever you are in the world."

" Did you say New York? No fucking way. I live in New York! Send me your address and I'll head over there now. I have nothing to do. Josh is out with his buddy right now, so I'm lonely."

" Alright, I'll send it to you right now!"

Halsey's POV

I drove to the given address he gave me. When I got there, there was a medium-sized house. Not too big or small. Probably a perfect fit for two people. Maybe me and Josh should get a house. I got out of the car and went to knock on the front door.

Ryan's POV

When I opened the door, she looked not so different. She still had her pretty blue hair. But it wasn't as long as I remember it. It's just passed her shoulder. She was a little bit taller. Well, we both grew.

She wore a loose tank top which showed her tattoos. She was different. I didn't think she would even get tattoos. What does her mother have to say about this?! But she looked good either way. She was still the beautiful Halsey Evens.

" You look great," I smiled and opened my arms for a hug. For two exes reuniting, I'm proud of how easily we get along.

A/N: Hello! Well I already started writing the sequel because I love the story line and everything! So yeah.

Twitter: ohdeargina
IG: xginaweena

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