~Chapter 8~

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Halsey's POV

She drove to Jenna's house and crashed there. She didn't tell her about the thing with Josh. She wasn't going to say anything until Josh came to Jenna. He cheated. That's not okay. It's never okay. She didn't dream that night. She didn't even sleep. She watched TV all night on Jenna's living room.

When the morning came, Halsey left to get the rest of her things at the apartment. She drove to the apartment complex. When she unlocked the door, she didn't see Josh. She looked around to find him and saw that he wasn't there. Halsey walked into their bedroom and went to sleep.

Ryan's POV

Rose invited Ryan out. Z was really proud of how good they got along. He was proud too. She's pretty and she fits him well. Just like Helena did. But he's not thinking of her. They are over. He's done with her. No contact in years basically is a break up. Well, at least to him.

He looked at himself in the mirror before leaving the house.


" So do you have a job?" Ryan asked Rose.

" Yup. I'm a model. I've been a model for awhile now-" Her words slowly faded away. She was a model like Helena. She's as amazing, probably more, like Helena. He hoped that their relationship, if they ever got in one, stays like that. " And I have a fashion show coming up soon."

" Wait hold up," Ryan quickly pulled out his phone. He opened up the camera and..

Beautiful, he thought myself

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Beautiful, he thought myself. She chuckled. " I just don't have any pictures of you and I thought it'd be nice. You're just...so fucking pretty," he said.

" Thank you," she looked down. They kept walking. " It's weird that you call me pretty. You like me..but you also like someone else. I don't want you to like me when you have feelings for someone else already."

" Don't worry. Me and that person can't happen anyways. She's taken."

" And I'm guessing I'm your backup call? Is that what this is? I sure hope not. I'd run home right now if it was-"

" Nononono. No. Rose. I would never do that to anyone. I don't even see why guys do that to girls nowadays. It's stupid. Please don't think that low of me. I'm not one of those guys. I'm standing out from the rest you've met, aren't I? I actually like you. Believe me."

" Okay. I'm sorry. It's just...it's just the guys before have been a bunch of assholes and my family has been trying to set me up with someone. I don't know why, but they try to all the fucking time. This is the first time I've actually liked one of them. You. Please don't..just don't play me for money. Or just because I'm attractive. I don't want that. I don't want my first crush to break my heart."

" I'm not planning on it at all. Don't think about the past. Just think about us for now. Let go of that while you're with me so we don't have to worry about those stupid guys who were too blind to see that you were an amazing girl." She smiled and nodded. This was different. He's never really met anyone so...insecure. Never been with a girl who constantly worried about leaving or being like a guy she's met before. This is new. New is good, he thought. She's a good girl.

Halsey's POV

When Halsey woke up, she heard the door open. She quickly rolled off the bed and got up. She was ready to throw another fit at Josh. It's what she does best other than make music. When she saw saw Josh, he was sitting on the couch, casually watching TV like nothing happened. Like Halsey would come home and eat lunch with him like they normally did. She scoffed at the thought.

" Get out of my apartment," she said which made him jump. He looked at her like he didn't hear her. "I said get out. From the beginning, this has been my apartment. I paid for it and-"

He cut her off. " Actually, Blue, this apartment is mine. You only paid 25% of this place and I paid the rest of the 75%. I don't know what the hell you're saying this apartment is yours. I don't know why we can't just live together. We're a couple getting into a stupid irrelevant fight."

" Irrelevant?! How in the hell-?! Are you fucking kidding me? You're missing for a whole day and you don't return any of my fucking calls. Next thing you know, you come home in the middle of the night drunk and covered in hickies. You cheated on me! How could you come back in here like nothing happened?!"

" Because nothing did happen-"

" Bullshit! Just get the fuck out already! I don't see the point of even being here if you're just gonna cheat on me with some slut!" She yelled. Did he not see how badly this was all affecting her? Does he not see? " I loved you so much. I love you so fucking much..it hurts! It hurts to see you do this all of the sudden! Are you unhappy?! What is it? I don't see-" She dropped to her knees and cried more.

" Baby..baby please stand up. I really didn't do anything wrong. Just wait and I swear I'll tell you everything.." Josh said softly. " I've just been working on a surprise and this is part of it..Oh baby, please-"

" GET OUT!" She yelled so loud, she could even control her tears, anger, sadness anymore. She broke right before him. It was all bad. Whatever plan it was, it better have been worth it. He lost the one thing in his life that could protect him better than anything. She was his savior from the beginning..and he had to do this. She was lost and confused.

" Halsey.."

She cried more. She couldn't stop sobbing. " Can't you see how much your stupid fucking surprise hurts me?!" She yelled. He dropped to his knees with her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. " Get off of me, you asshole!" She tried her hardest to push. " GET OFf.." her voice faded as she fainted completely.


She woke up. She saw the sky. Why was she outside? She sat up and saw she was on a blanket. She stood up and walked around the perimeter. She recognized the place. It was the park by her apartment complex. She pulled out her phone. She turned on her phone and saw the lockscreen of her and Josh. She held in her tears.

She saw rose petals on the ground. She followed them. It led to a candle-lighted pathway. She saw Josh standing there with a big poster behind them of all their favorite pictures together. Josh was hiding one of his hands. She walked up to him getting ready to yell, yet again. Before she could say anything, he stopped her.

" Babe. I'm sorry. This was the surprise. The reason I was gone was because I was working on this stuff. I came home drunk from celebrating the finishing of it. I out fake hickies on me, don't worry. So now I have one question.." he dropped down to one knee. " ..will you marry me, Halsey Grace Evens?"

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