~Chapter 38~

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Halsey's POV

She watched her parents interact with Brendon's parents.

" I believe that Brendon and Halsey's coming together is proof that if it's true love, you'll always find your way back to each other. I remembered how in love Brendon was with your daughter, Marina. He was devastated for such a long time and he wouldn't even tell me the reason why they broke up!" Grace chuckled.

Halsey sat on Brendon's lap as they both listened in on the conversations.

" True love, huh? I don't think I remember Halsey being that in love with Brendon," Marina joked around. " I'm just teasing, Bren. Yeah, she was head over heels for Brendon. He was the most decent guy I've seen around LA and the most decent guy who could actually treat my daughter right. He was like a son to me. I'm so happy you two are back together."

" Are we just going to lie to them, Marina?" Alex cut in. He looked upset.

" Honey?"

" I mean," he continued,"..I'm truly happy that you two are pregnant. I'm happy that you're happy but are we not going to talk about how they're both too young for this and that this could screw up their career?"

" Daddy," Halsey said with a worried look. Why was he saying this?

" I saw you earlier, Halsey. You looked so unhappy. You were just grabbing food from the kitchen and you were crying. Did you even want this? Did you even want to get pregnant? Where is Josh? I can't take that all of this is happening all at once!"

Grace and Boyd looked at Halsey, expecting an answer. Brendon was rubbing his hand on her back, trying to calm her down. She was going to have to lie.

" I don't know what you're talking about, daddy. Me and Josh have been broken up for a long time. I just haven't talked about it with you. Brendon and I did plan this pregnancy and I am happy with how everything is going. Me and my manager already talked and he is fine with me being pregnant. I don't know why you're acting like this, trying to make us look bad," she scoffed.

" I care about your happiness, Hals. You don't have to go through this pregnancy if you don't want to-"

" Hey!" Boyd cut in. " That's my son's kid too. He has a say in what happens to that baby as well!" 

Grace grabbed his arm and shushed him. She chuckled nervously. " Please, boys, let's not try to start a fight at a birthday party. The future mom has enough to worry about already. Le't's just enjoy the cake while we can," she said, quickly taking bites of the cake.

Ryan's POV

He leaned against his car.

He knew that Halsey was expecting him, but Rose was too. There was so much going on in his mind. Z was sick. Halsey was pregnant and in love with him. His relationship with Rose is turning out the same as Jac and Helena's. He took a deep breath and started his walk over to Brendon's household.

There were people outside smoking. They had to beware of Halsey or Ryan would have a say in it. He wasn't the father, but he'd do anything to protect that baby.

When he got inside the house, he immediately started looking for Halsey. He didn't see people he recognized. He went outside to where there was a pool. People were outside, socializing around the pool. Then, he saw Halsey. She was sitting on Brendon's lap, chatting with people. But, she didn't look happy. She looked...angry. 

She then got up off of his lap and started walking towards his direction. Tears were rolling down her face, but she quickly wiped them. She ended up walking right into Ryan.

" Fuck, I'm sorry," she said, looking down, not seeing who she had just run into. He wasn't going to let her cry by herself.

" Halsey," Ryan called.

She looked over her shoulder, her cheeks red, tears escaping her eyes. " Ryan," she said in relief. She quickly ran to him, giving him a tight hug. " I-I can't believe you're here. W-What happened with Rose? Please don't tell me you guys broke up. I don't want to be the reason-"

He shushed her and combed his fingers through her hair. " Shh, no no. Nothing happened between me and Rose. We're fine for now. Z is going to talk to her. You are very important to me and I couldn't miss this for the world," he whispered.

" I'm just so happy you're here."

He pulled away from the hug and looked down at her. " Tell me what happened. Why are you crying? I literally arrived as you were running away from Brendon. D-Did he hurt you? He didn't hurt you, right?!"

She sniffled her tears and shook her head. " No no. It's just...I can't be here right now. I didn't want all of this. Oh God, all I do is disappoint people. You, my dad, Brendon, his parents..I just need to get out of here, but I can't. I'm the birthday girl. I have to be here."

" You don't need to be anywhere. Come on, let's go. If you're unhappy somewhere, remember this, you never have to stay," he said, cupping her face and wiping her tears with his thumb. Ryan looked to his side and saw Brendon staring right at them. He was specifically glaring at Ryan. " And I suggest under these circumstances, we should probably leave right now before Brendon starts a scene at your birthday party."

He pulled on her arm and ran out of the house. Guests at the party watched them as they sped through the house and down to Ryan's car. Halsey got in the front passenger seat and Ryan sat in the driver's seat. He saw Brendon running down to them, but they were already driving down the street.

Halsey's POV

She couldn't be there after the scene her dad started.

Yes, she was unhappy, but she was really trying to be happy. She would rather have her child be happy than be happy herself. She's had her fair share of happiness with Josh for such a long time. Josh by her side and musical success was all she ever really wanted, and she got that. Now that she sees that that can't be, she'd rather have her child be happy with both their parents. But in the moment, she didn't want to face Brendon.

But later, she'd possibly face his anger. 

Ryan drove peacefully through the night with no set destination. He just drove. Halsey had her windows down. The radio was off and they both could think to theirselves.

" How did you manage to disappoint the Uries? They're like the perfect rich-people parents who are always happy. They barely get disappointed...mainly because Brendon is a rising star. But, you're not even related to them," Ryan said, breaking the silence.

" It was my dad who got them to disappoint me. He brought up how it was way too early to be pregnant, he questioned where Josh was, he talked about how my career is going downhill AND how I didn't have to keep the child. Pretty much, it was a bad case of TMI. My dad talking about me not keeping the child really set off Mr. Urie. Look, I know that Brendon is the father and he has a say in his kid, but..this kid...it's in my body. It's not fair how I have to make so many sacrifices...My career, my reputation..all for an unplanned pregnancy."

" I'm not the biggest fan of abortion since...it just sucks that there was life inside you and you're getting rid of it. But, I'm not a big fan of forced pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy...pretty much anything that has to do with pregnancy that isn't planned. A woman shouldn't have to deal with that. I just wanna let you know that I'll support you with whatever decision you make."

" I think.."



 I know it's been such a long long time since I updated and I'm sorry. So much has gone down since I last updated. I honestly don't know if anyone reads this story anymore, but I WILL update more. I've had problems but I've also had writer's block which is thankfully going away. Anyways...ENOY! <3

ig: xginasalcedo

twitter: fathergeenz

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