~Chapter 13~

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Ryan's POV

When Z came home, he attacked her with a hug. Surprisingly, she hugged back.

" I'm so sorry for what I said! I-I'm just upset because I didn't want Halsey to leave. I didn't mean anything I said. I know it's not your fault that guys are too stupid to see that you're an amazing beautiful woman!" He said, still not letting go of her.

She was chuckling. " I know. I know. It's okay. I forgive you. I know you were just upset, Ryro. Come on, let's o get something to eat." She let go of hi. He nodded. He ran upstairs to get his converse. " I'm gonna go change!" She said loud enough for him to hear her.

He ran his fingers through his hair. He looked in the mirror. He wore a tank top with some ripped jeans. He ran back downstairs and waited for Z to get ready.

Halsey's POV

Sadly, her new friend had to go home. As she was about to leave the coffee shop, she saw someone familiar. It was someone she never wanted to see again. He was blocking the doorway, so she couldn't run out. He scanned the whole shop before walking up to the line to order. He was still tall and beautiful. But she'd be the only one to know how evil he can really be.

He looked at her. He seemed to not notice her. Or at least recognize her. Thank God, he didn't. She passed by him on the way out. She was getting ready to run home to a safe place. But she remembered that her own home couldn't keep her safe. Bad memories flooded her mind. She picked her pace in walking.

She heard footsteps following her. She looked over her shoulder and already saw him following her. He didn't even have a drink in his hand, so he definitely noticed her. She stopped to quickly turn around. She was ready to throw her drink in his face.

" Why are you following me?!" She yelled at his face. He looked confused. Her hands were shaking. She shouldn't be scared anymore. Over the years, she's become such a strong person. Well, emotionally. " Get away from me, Dallon!" She yelled again.

" Halsey Evens?" He asked. " Is that you?"

" No! It's not. Stay away from me forever! This is the one reason I didn't want to come back here!" She turned around, but before she could run away, he gripped on her arm.

" Calm down, okay? Stop freaking out. I know it's you. You don't have to be afraid of me anymore. I'm on my meds and I got help a long long time ago. I'm so sorry for what happened in the past. I'm sorry about everything-"

" Screw your apology!" She screamed. She threw the rest of her drink in his face. Well, she tried and missed. Tears escaped her eyes. She already had enough to deal with back in New York. Seeing the person who raped her is pretty fucking scary. " I hate you! I hate YOU! I HATE YOU!" She yelled. Dallon had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't scream anymore. She was causing too much attention.

" Stop yelling! Everyone's staring at us!" He whisper-yelled. She mumbled something under his hand, but he couldn't understand. " Please stop yelling and we can talk somewhere more private." She shook her head no and tried to speak again but his hand was in the way. " Just stop screaming in general!"

He slowly removed his hand from her mouth. She wanted to scream she was a rapist so bad. But she's not that bad of a person like he is. " Touch me, and I'll yell for help. Got that, Weekes?!" She threatened. She was still smaller than his figure. He could probably rape her again if he wanted. She's not that strong and it would all be triggering. 

" Halsey. I'm telling you, I'm different now. You don;t know how much I regret everything. This was like 5 to 6 years ago! People do change. You're a grown woman now. So, we could probably happen," he smirked. Halsey punched him in the jaw and left him there. She saw blood on her knuckles and wiped it off on her shorts.

" Guys just don't know when to fuck off," she mumbled to herself and walked home. She knew he wouldn't follow her home or she'd call the cops, right away.

Ryan's POV

Ryan heard his phone vibrating on the nightstand. He groaned. He saw Halsey's name pop up on the screen along with her picture. He quickly answered.

" Halsey? It's 3 in the morning. What's wrong?" He asked her. He remembered that she wasn't here and that it was only midnight over in LA.

" Hey..I-I just couldn't sleep. I saw someone today that I didn't want to see. Oh my God..Ryan. I'm so scared. Can you please fly over to LA, please? I'm so scared. I don't want to be here alone," she sounded as if she was crying. Memories flashed before him. He remembered when he use to sleep in that room with her. How he held her so nothing could hurt her. But he can't do that now.

" Halsey, I can't go there. And if I do, it will take awhile. I can't just leave Z here. I can't really come to the rescue that often. I have a girlfriend now. The girl I have is really insecure and she doesn't want to lose me. I wish I could be there right now. It's okay. Just-Just talk to me, Hals. I'm right here. Do you want to see me?"

" Of course I do. Oh my gosh. I'm scared right now. I feel like Mr. Weekes is going to appear in my window at any moment. And I understand why you can't see me. It's just that...I miss you so much. And you're the only person that always listened to me no matter what the situation."

" Do you want to FaceTime? You know...life has been so much easier ever since that was invented," he chuckled. He heard her giggle.

" Yeah. Call me."

He held the phone up and pressed on the FaceTime button. He waited for her to pick up. He sat up. He turned the lamp on that was on his nightstand. The call was connecting and she finally saw her beautiful face. Her blue hair was all over the place. You could tell she was sitting by the window where she normally sat. This seemed like a long-distance relationship. This could've worked out for him and Helena, but she didn't bother putting in the work.

" Hello beautiful," Ryan let out before he could stop himself. Halsey looked away from the camera and smiled. " I'm sorry. I just..Forget I said that," he chuckled. " Tell me what happened earlier."

" So my parents went out on a date and didn't come home since like an hour ago," she giggled. " I went to visit the old hangout place where everyone use to hang out at. I didn't see anyone from high school there! It's like everyone we knew left LA. Like jeez, LA is actually a nice place to live in. I even met a fan there. It was so cute. I've never seen anyone fangirl over me!"

" Hey hey hey, I used to fangirl all over you when we dated, remember?" He laughed. He tried to keep quiet, but he couldn't. He loved talking to Halsey. She was like his best friend. She was his best friend way before Z. He could completely be himself around her. " Those were the good days," he whispered.

" I heard that mister! This audio picks up very good sound," she chuckled. " But yeah, we take for a good hour. Then she had to go home sadly. As I was about to leave, I saw his bitch ass. He followed me out and started going on, on how he's different and how we could be together now since I'm over 21. Then I punched him and made him bleed. I'm proud. But one good punch won't keep him away!"

" Just come back to New York. You can stay with me and Z. You won't have to tell your friends tat you came back. But, you might have to hide from Rose if she ever comes over. Well, I mean, you could say that you're staying in Z's room. We do have a guest room. But-"

" Ryan, I don't even know when I'm coming back. This is my hometown. I want to stay for awhile. I went here to get away from New York. Not just get scared back to New York the first day here. I'll consider your offer when I decide to come back. Other than that, I'm staying here for now. I just wished I had a friend here with me."

" All right. Just know, you can always come to me for help."

" I know, Ryro. And I love you for that." Once those words escaped her mouth, his heart started beating faster.


A/N: I got a new laptop so I'm probably gonna update more. <3

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