~Chapter 24~

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Halsey's POV

She really wanted to wait for him. She also didn't. Why should she? Why couldn't she just be with Brendon? Why can't she just marry him and be happy with her future child? She was so confused. She wanted to be with the ma of her child. She never thought of being a single parent or away from the real father. 

She felt the urge to throw up.

Ryan's POV

As soon as Ryan walked through the door, he could hear Z's footsteps quickly running down the stairs. Once she saw him, she crossed her arms. " What the fuck did you do?" She asked him.

" What are you talking about?" He asked her.

" Rose's mom said that Rose looked down after you left. They talked about it and she ended up saying it seemed like you were pushing her away. Why were you pushing her away? You only do that shit when you feel guilty." They both sat down on the last step of the stairs.

" I wasn't pushing her away. I'm being honest. I really wasn't. I just felt weird. I saw Halsey in the state and I'm scared. What if Rose wants to have sex and I get her pregnant? I don't want that to happen. Halsey was in such a broken state. She wants someone to love her. I had to tell her that I couldn't love her that way. I just didn't want to see that face on Rose. Ever."

" Okay. I know you're worrying because of Halsey. But I know that's not the real problem. Something happened and you changed your actions when you saw Rose. Please, tell me what happened."

Some tears escaped Ryan's eyes. " I can't. You know? Do you know that I want to stay here? Life was easier when I didn't meet Rose. Life was easier when Halsey didn't come back into my life. Now, you've been kicking me out lately or I've been leaving because of them. I don't want that. Fucking hell. I'm sorry. But for once, I can't tell you what happened." Z cupped his face and wiped his tears with her thumb.

" Just tell me. I won't be mad. Damn. I might be." She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees, her hands on her forehead. " I really really really shouldn't have introduced you to Rose. I thought things would be better for you. I thought it would be easier, but apparently it's not. I should've known that you couldn't handle it."

" I can handle it, Elizabeth. I just didn't know all this shit would pop up. Things would have been so different if Halsey didn't show up to that party. Yes, it's not easy right now because of what Halsey did-"

" What the fuck did Halsey do while you were there?!" She raised her voice.

" She seduced me, then we had sex. There! That's what fucking happened. And I can't help that I'm in love with Halsey. I can't help that she's the only girl I've ever wanted to be with. Now that I have a chance to, I want to take that chance. I feel guilty. I really do. Rose is such a beautiful woman. I don't mean to cause so much trouble. Yes, it would be easier if I didn't meet Rose and yes, life would be easier if Halsey didn't come back."

Z stood up. She quickly grabbed her purse and opened the door. " You know, she can't do this. She sealed the deal, didn't she? Now that you've had sex, this is it? I have to talk to that terrible woman who got pregnant. She can't make you pity her that much. I'm going to talk to her. Right. Now. You're going to bring me to her."

Ryan shook his head. " No no no no no no no. I'm not. I'm not taking you to Halsey. It's partly my fault, you know? It's not completely her fault."

" Ryan, every time something bad happens that involves her, I've always blamed you and yelled at you. For once, I need to yell at her. She started this. I need her to know that she can't keep on leading you on when she needs someone. I need her to know that you aren't some guy who she can call only when she's having trouble. She needs to know that you are with someone else."


Ryan broke. He ended up telling her where Halsey lived. She said she'd go alone. He wasn't planning on letting her go alone. Once she's out of the house, he was going to drive there himself. He knew a shortcut and he hoped to get there before Z.

He turned off all the lights in the house. He said he was going to shower, then sleep. Once her car was already out of the street, Ryan quickly an to his car. 

Halsey's POV

She just got out of the shower. She felt disgusting. She had a baby and slept with another man. One who didn't give her the baby. After showering, she slipped on a big soft shirt and some loose sweats. She tied her hair back, feeling comfortable and fresh. She turned on her TV in the living room. She sat down on the couch with a blanket, finishing her TV series on netflix.

A couple of minutes later, someone knocked on the door. She paused her show. She got up to answer the door. It was probably Brendon, going to ask if he could spend the night. She wouldn't mind some cuddling. When she opened it, it was Z. What was she doing here? " Um, what are you doing here?" Halsey asked. Z pushed passed her. Halsey scoffed at her actions. " I didn't say you could come in, so can you please step outside?"

" I don't have to listen to you, why can't you just leave Ryan alone? You know he's in a good relationship, yet you still ask him to love you. You really are a sick person. Look where it got you," Z said.

Halsey clenched her fists. " How dare you walk into my apartment and speak to me like that? Me loving Ryan didn't get me pregnant. Me being in love with my could've-been fiancé got me pregnant. I'm heartbroken, okay? Ryan is one of my closest friends. I have raging hormones because of my pregnancy. So fuck off, Z. You don't know what I've been through."

" Stop dragging Ryan into it."

" Tell Ryan to stick his nose where it belongs then. Get the fuck out of my apartment right now. You have no right to be in here. Get the fuck out right now!" She yelled.

" Let me tell you - Ryan is like a son to me. Guess what happened that hasn't happened before? You got him to call in love with you just like that," she snapped indicating it. " You really don't know how to let him go, do you?"

" I let him go, a long ass time ago, Z. He decides to come back into my perfect life. So, everything that has happened through this time ever since we started talking again, is his fault. He didn't have to call me or get involved with me anymore. That was his choice. Also, having sex earlier, was his choice too." Z slapped her right there. Then, Halsey punched her in the nose, making her fall to the ground with a bloody nose. " You don't fucking walk into my apartment yelling or accusing me. Yes, I know I fucked up. Yes, I know what I did to Ryan earlier was wrong and that's why I told him to leave. You also don't walk into my apartment, then slap me. You already know how easy it is for me to knock you on your ass."

Halsey looked up and saw Ryan standing in the doorway. " What happened?" He asked.

" You tell your fucking guardian to stick her nose where it belongs. She can't tell me what I've been through when she doesn't know anything."

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