Chapter 41: They're Leaving

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Ryan's POV

His mind was all over the place. All he could think about was Rose and Halsey. She had a whole crisis with the pregnancy while Rose was nowhere to be found. Z worried about her career which might go down the drain because of Ryan, as well as Halsey's career possibly going down because of Brendon. 

Everything was wrong in so many ways, but he wouldn't be able to fix it. 

Halsey's POV

" I...I have to go. Josh," she looked at him and tugged on his arm,"..let's go. I don't want to be here right now. This is hard for me."

Josh sighed. " You need to tell him now. I know that this hurts right now, but sooner or later it's going to be too late before you really decide. You have to tell him now. Tell him what you told me."

" I tried! He doesn't understand!"

" If you already told him, it's done. Let's go so we can have it taken care of."

" We're not going right away, Josh! Did you not hear everything just now?! This is still my first child...Just because I can't take care of the right now doesn't mean I want to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are so many risks here."

" I'm not letting you walk out of here...with the intention of killing my kid," Brendon cut in.

" It's in her body!" Josh argued.

" That baby is just as much mine as much as hers. This isn't fair! Don't do this to me," Brendon looked at her, tears rolling down his face. " I'll get down on my knees and beg if I have to. We can talk more about this. Y-You don't want the baby because what this will do to your career right? How are you so sure that it will go to shit? You're a new star, why would they get rid of you so fast? What makes you so sure that your life will go to shit?"

" Even if I did stay in the music business, you think I want my kid to live this kind of life? I want to experience everything with my kid. I want to see them take their first steps and say their first words. I'll miss it all while I'm still focussing on music. Now is just not the time, Brendon. Why don't you understand?"

" Because it's bullshit. You can experience it all still. It's not hard to live your dream and take care of a child. You won't miss anything."

She closed her eyes and felt pain in her chest. " I'm sorry. I'm leaving now." She turned to walk out the door. Josh followed her.

" If you do this," she heard Brendon start,"...I will never forgive you, Halsey Evens. I will never forgive you."

" I guess we won't be seeing much of each other anymore then," she said, not turning around. Josh closed the door behind him as he followed her out. She walked over to the car and sat on the ground leaning against it. Josh crouched beside her.

" I know that was hard for you," he sighed. " Do you want to talk about it somewhere else? Do you want to grab food our something, let off some steam?" She nodded. He held her up and opened the car door for her.

Ryan's POV

The house was pretty much as empty as he felt. Z decided on doing something they never thought they'd do in a long time. Move. They were going to move back to California. It was their home. They both loved New York, but with everything happening, this was what was best for them.

" I don't know if I can just leave everything like this. There's so much stuff happening and I'm just abandoning it. It's like I'm running away or something," he said.

Z leaned against his shoulder. " There's nothing here for us anymore. I can easily transfer to another building in LA again. I can pretty much come back whenever I want. This is up to you now. Do you really wanna do this? Do you want to leave Halsey, Rose and basically everything of this life here? Like we left all those years ago?"

" We have to do this. How can I move on with my life if my past keeps coming back to me?"

" We can always stop if you want. We don't have to move, just spend time away from here. And LA? That's a terrible place to get away to. It's literally the original place you were running away from," she chuckled.

" It's different now. I can be closer to my dad, everything would be easier."

" The flashbacks and memories won't be. Seeing Helena won't be."

" Fine." He looked at her. " Where do you wanna go since LA is a terrible place to escape to?"

" We could leave. This will be our home, but I'm saying we could travel around the world. We could go anywhere. We can go to Europe. How do you feel about visiting Paris? You always used to talk about visiting Paris. You've never seen it before."

" Europe? Are you kidding me? We can't just blast off to Europe."

" We can go anywhere we want, Ry. Don't choose a simple place that you ran away from. Don't turn back, move forward, right?"

" Right. I guess Paris wouldn't mind meeting two little American runaways."

" You're the runaway, I'm just the dude paying."

" No, you're a runaway too, Zeezereezer." He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her. They both sat on the roof, majority of the belongings in the house packed in boxes. Once they get back, there would, for sure, be a lot of unpacking. For now, they wanted to be free. For now, they wanted to escape.

He had to think. Would it matter if he left? Would Halsey care? What would happen to Rose? Is Z just ignoring her condition to make Ryan happy? Is the runaway really worth it with everything going on in New York?


A/N: Sorry for another short chapter, I said I was going to update more and I didn't even update for a long ass time LOL. Sorry, readers...Well...whoever is still reading. 

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