~Chapter 10~

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Halsey's POV

Halsey woke up to a loud phone call. She didn't bother answering it unless it was Jenna or her parents. But it had to be Jenna. She hoped that Josh didn't go to her yet. But he probably did. Brendon was in his kitchen cooking. Halsey was asleep on the couch.

" Hello?" Halsey answered.

" Halsey? Where are you and why aren't you with Josh? I found him knocked out in front of your apartment with a bottle in his hand," Jenna claimed.

" I have no idea and I really don't care anymore. Me and him are over. Ask him about the details. I'm busy. Goodbye," she said and quickly hung up before Jenna could say anything. Halsey rolled her eyes and set her phone down on the coffee table. Brendon walked over to her with a plate of bacon in his hand. He handed it to her and went back into the kitchen.

" Who was that, by the way?" He asked her from the distance.

" Just a friend asking about Josh. I..I don't care about what happens to him anymore.." She frowned, hoping he wouldn't notice. Thankfully, he didn't. " She said that he was passed out in front of my apartment."

Brendon chuckled. " That dude. He does the stupidest shit, like cheat on you. Who could ever cheat on you? Have you met you? You are literally a piece of art that needs to be handled with care. I know that now. I forgive you for what happened in senior year that broke us up."

She scoffed. " You're just now forgiving me? What a shame."

" I'm trying here, okay?"

" I hope you know we are only a one-night stand. Josh..I'm never getting back with him, but I can't move on that fast. I haven't. I love him, but I'm torn. You don't understand."

" I do."

" You don't. I've been with Josh for 5, almost 6, years. He proposed to me and we really could've been something. Too bad he pulled a really bad move. I would've said yes if he didn't do that whole act," she sighed. She really would have. She was in love with Josh, no doubt. She admits that she loves him, but not that she's in love with him. " I probably should tell Tyler and Jenna. They'll want to know." Halsey got up and went to Brendon's room to grab her clothes and shoes. She grabbed her bag too.

She walked over to the kitchen and kissed his neck, giving it a little bite to remember her by. "Don't leave," he breathed. He pulled her back by the waist. She pushed off of him.

" You have my number, Urie," she winked and left.

Ryan's POV

Rose was busy today.

It was okay because he had class. He drove to his college which was about a mile away from his house. Not that bad. He was at a stoplight and he checked his phone to see if Rose texted. She didn't. He looked over to his side and saw Halsey. She was in her car. Her hair was messed up and different. A part of her shirt was ripped. She looked different.

Long time no see, he thought to himself. He wondered how she was doing.

The light turned green and they both went their separate ways, yet again. Ryan parked in the student's parking lot. He walked through the front doors and closed his eyes. He imagined high school, when he first asked Halsey to be his girlfriend. He was so nervous. He felt embarrassed at first, but shrugged it off. She was worth it, he thought. She is worth it. He walked to his first class. He was ready to ignore everyone in this fucking school.

Halsey's POV

She arrived at her apartment. She went straight to her bedroom, getting ready to pack her bags and head over to LA. She wanted to see her parents again. She was gonna to tell her parents about Josh. Not about Brendon. She'd be dead, even if she is over 18 already and living on her own.

Josh wasn't there in the apartment. Probably with Jenna, babying him. Halsey always thought there was a better connection between them than her and Josh. Probably. Well, they have known each other for a long time. But he's spent more time with Halsey. Tyler would also be pissed if he found out Josh had a thing for her. She has thought about it before.

Halsey didn't pack much. She planned on coming back to New York to kick Josh out again. She'd tell Jenna when she was already at the airport. She doesn't want to be stopped by anyone. Ryan wouldn't care. At least, that what she thinks.

Her phone rang. She quickly answered, not looking at who it was. " Ugh, what Jenna? I'm a little busy right now."

" Open the damn door, Halsey," Jenna said. Halsey hung up. She got up and went to the door. Jenna stood there with Tyler. Thankfully, Josh wasn't with them. " So, tell me what happened." They let theirselves in. Tyler closed the door behind them. Halsey led them to the couch.

" I think you should talk to Josh about this because I really don't want to talk about this," she said. ¨Can you please leave?¨

" No. I'm sorry but youŕe gonna have to tell me whatś wrong. Josh is currently passed out in my home. And he doesn't drink that much unless something really bad happened,¨ Jenna said. She had her arms crossed. Tyler looked lost, like he didn't want to be mad at her.

"Josh cheated on me and I didn't accept his stupid proposal when I found out. Get out of my apartment. I'm leaving to LA."

Tyler's eyes went wide. " Nononono, you're not moving to LA, are you?" He sounded so worried.

" I'm not moving there. I'm just going to stay with my parents for awhile. I tried kicking Josh out of the apartment, but he doesn't want to go. Honestly, I just want some time away from New York. I miss my parents and I miss LA," she told him. " I'll be back in a week or less."

" Why can't you just stay with me?" Jenna asked. Her eyes were getting watery. Halsey hugged her.

" I'm not leaving forever. It's just for awhile. I promise I'll be back soon. I just want some time away from here. You just don't understand how heart breaking it was," Halsey said, not letting go. Her eyes were getting watery as well. Tyler noticed. He hugged both of them together. Halsey let go. " Well, I have to pack now. Can I please have some time alone here?"

Jenna nodded. She grabbed Tyler's arm and they both left.

Halsey went back into the room and continued packing. She had tears rolling down her face as she did. She really did want to leave New York, just for a little while. Josh brought her here. They entered New York together. She can't imagine staying in it without him. At least for now, she can't. They grew together here. She hugged her knees. Soon she got up and went to her music room.

She grabbed her notebook and opened it to her unfinished song. She began to write.

" You were red. And you liked me because I was blue. You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky. Then you decided purple just wasn't for you."

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