~Chapter 14~

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Halsey's POV

They talked all the way until morning. They went to sleep and left the call to go on. When she told him she loved him, she freaked out in her head. She has three boys in her head. Talk about a slut, she thought to herself. She was in love with Josh, she slept with Brendon and she's again falling in love with Ryan. She's so confused.

Ryan's POV

The words echoed in his head for awhile now. He forgot the last time she said she loved him. She probably meant it in a friendly way. But..anytime she'd say it to him, he'd never want to let it go. Too bad he had to a long time ago for someone else. He has to do it now. For Rose. So he doesn't have to be led on by her for the millionth time.

When he officially woke up, he saw that the call was still going on. He smiled. He saw her facing away from the camera. He wanted to talk to her already. He wanted to hear her voice already. What he really wanted to do was ask if she felt anything for him. He wanted know.

He saw her turn to face the screen. She was awake. She yawned and sat up.

" Good morning, Halsey," he said. His voice was deep.

" Good morning, Ryan," she yawned again. "I'm sorry I woke you up so early in the morning. I just needed someone to talk to and everything. I think I'm gonna go now. My car was finally delivered and I'm gonna explore all of LA!" She said excitedly.

" All right Halsey. Do you wanna talk later too?" He asked and she nodded. Soon they hung up. Ryan fell back into the bed. His bedroom door opened. He saw a sleepy Z standing there. " Good morning Zeezereezer. How was your sleep?" He sat up again.

" Fucking terrible. I can hear you in the next room. You're like really fucking loud. Who were you even talking to?" She asked. Her voice was slightly deeper. Her nose sounded a bit stuffed.

" Someone. It doesn't matter."

" Was it Rose or something? Or was it-? Oh God. Please please please, don't tell me you were up talking up to Halsey. Come on! You said you weren't going to think about her anymore and that you were going to focus on Rose now."

" I am going to focus on her and I wasn't talking to Halsey. Just leave it alone."

" Then don't stay up so fricken late. I'm sleepy and I have to get to work. I need my beauty sleep. You don't understand what me and all of my coworkers deal with. Our boss is a bitch, I tell you. And if you are talking to Halsey, remember you have Rose and you're still technically with Helena." She closed the door behind her.

" Thanks for reminding me, Elizabeth!" He yelled.

Halsey's POV

Halsey ran downstairs to see that her car was finally at her doorstep. She was going to explore LA and see everything new that was added in. She decided to just probably hop the fence. She really wanted to see her school. She turned on the radio and heard one of her singles on the radio. It was Hurricane. A song that she first showed her producer.

She turned the radio up pretty loud. She rolled the windows down. Now, she really felt like home. She loved doing this whenever it was hot. She remembered driving around on a hot day with Brendon. She remembered it. She was always in the front passenger's seat. He either had his hand on her thigh or in her hand. She turned the song up louder.

She sang with the chorus. " Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man." She wanted to relive memories. But she didn't want to think about Brendon or Josh. She just wanted to think about Ryan. She knew him longer. She experienced everything first with him. " Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man." She loved that line. She wrote it after she and Brendon broke up. She gave him on him when he became an asshole. She couldn't show Josh the song until it was released on its own. She thought he'd feel offended.

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