~Chapter 27~

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Ryan's POV

" So, tell me about yourself, Ryan," Harold said, before taking a bite of his spaghetti.

" Well, I live in New York with a good friend of mine named Elizabeth. We're kind of not talking right now. I think she's mad at me. I have a girlfriend named Rose Martin. She's a really nice girl. I'll bring her over so you guys can meet her. I'm in my third year of college and I hate it. I really feel like dropping out honestly," Ryan said.

" Don't, you'll end up like me," George chuckled.

" No, but like, so many things are going on right now...You remember Halsey right?" Ryan asked George. He nodded.

" My daughter loves her! She listens to that girl all the time," Harold smiled.

" Well, can you please not talk about this with your daughter? What I'm about to tell you is something she doesn't want to announce yet. One, Harold, I dated her in senior year. She's quite the lover, you know. But, now, she's pregnant. Brendon got her pregnant."

" What?!" George asked.

" It's hard to explain. And I'm having a hard time figuring out something. I-I think I'm in love with her again," Ryan looked down in shame. Halsey is a really good choice to love, but the way she has used him is bad.

George looked at Ryan in disappointment. Harold looked confused. " Not again. What did she do this time? Oh my gosh, it's like your senior year all over again," George said. 

" What's wrong with being in love with this girl? She's a famous singer and everyone from LA loves her. I know you do have a girlfriend, but you could always leave if you're unhappy," Harold said.

" Okay that and....I slept with her," Ryan said quietly, almost a whisper.

" I told you he's a very interesting boy," George whispered to Harold, but it was loud enough for Ryan to hear.

" I thought you meant in a different way," Harold said back. " I know this must be very confusing. Coming out was confusing and scary too. But, are you sure you're not the father of her baby?"

" I can't be. She was pregnant before we....umm...you know," Ryan said.

" Oh..um..that must have been swell. But anyways, why are you so in love with this girl if all I hear is that, she's been dragging you along since senior year? You were already with another woman and she managed to get you to sleep with her. How did she do that?" He asked.

" She was feeling terrible and broken. You should have seen her face. Halsey was the girl I cared about the most in high school. It was terrible seeing her like that. She lost a boyfriend she has been with for 5 years AND they were going to be engaged. Her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. On top of that, she's pregnant and still has to perform on stage like nothing happened. So, I was feeling a little too much sympathy!" Ryan yelled. " I don't really want to hear that I'm an idiot, I know it already. I just....i just don't understand how she has me wrapped around her finger like that."

" She was your true first love, wasn't she? She was more serious than Audrey. It's hard to let go of your first love. It was really hard for me to let go of your mother. That's why I've been such an ass since she left. It was really hard. But, she didn't leave and come back once in awhile, she just left and took apart of me with her. I know what you're going through, Ryro. But you're going to have to let go of her. You're gonna have to show that she has no power over you anymore and she won't have to constantly make you fall in love with her," George said.

Harold smiled at him before kissing him on the lips. Ryan smiled because he's never seen his father so happy and in love before. It was a beautiful sight. A broken man finally finding love again and being happy. Ryan was going to take that broken, now repaired, man's advice once he saw Halsey again.

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