~Chapter 12~

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Ryan's POV

When Ryan got home, he went upstairs to his room right away. He could already hear Z approaching the door. She opened the door. She stood there in her ripped Led Zeppelin shirt and pajama shorts. She had a bucket of popcorn. 

" What's wrong, Ryro?" She pouted. She closed the door behind her. She sat at the edge of his bed. He didn't want to tell her what happened. She'd be disappointed. But he knew that she would understand at least. " Did something happen at Halsey's? Something bad?"

Ryan sat up. " She kissed me. She wanted to kiss me. I couldn't just tell her no. You should've heard what he did to her. It was so fucked up. It hurt her so bad that she doesn't even know if she wants to come back to New York and I understand why. I wish she wouldn't leave though," he said.

" What would you do if she did stay, huh? What about Rose?" She sounded disappointed already. He stopped caring. " You know, you really can't just leave every girl you get with just because Halsey does this one small thing that makes you want to get back with her. How many times has she led you on in the past and still hasn't gotten with you? Don't be dump, please. Rose really cares about you."

" You just don't understand what me and Halsey had. It's too hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced love." He fell back onto his bed and hid his face in the pillow. He didn't hear anything for awhile. Weight lifted off his bed and he heard his door close. 

What did I just do? he asked himself.


When he woke up, Z was already gone.

He went downstairs and didn't see any cold food waiting for him to microwave. He knew she was pissed. He regrets what he said. He was ready to apologize to her. He knew what he said was, sadly, true. But it's not her fault. She just has a hard time finding the right guy. They don't understand her like he does. Honestly, he could make a very good boyfriend for Z. 

They both just never saw each other that way. There were times, but he always pushed those small feelings away. She never showed that she had any feelings back. Or she'd be out with a date of her own already. He felt that everything would be so much more different if they got together. Maybe they wouldn't even feel comfortable anymore.

Since he had nothing else to do, he could probably visit her at work and apologize right now.

Halsey's POV

She was finally back in LA. 

She saw her parents waiting for her. She ran to them and gave them a big hug. She missed them so much. A year without actually being home with them. They didn't bother asking her why she looked so sad on the car ride home. Or why she returned to "get away" from New York. They knew she's always wanted to go there ever since she was little.

When she got home, she immediately ran to her room. She missed her room. She missed sitting by the window whenever she wrote in her journal or on her laptop. She missed sometimes staring at the house across the street and constantly wondering about it. She missed everything about LA. She missed the memories.

She remembered saving Ryan from his dad the one time she came over. She remembered when Ryan threw pebbles at her window when he wanted to confess. She remembered meeting him in detention and becoming close. She remembered letting him live here. 

Halsey sat by the window and tried to relive all the memories she had in LA.


" Honey, do you wanna explore LA? New stuff was built and everything. Me and your dad are going on a date, so we won't be home until later tonight," Marina said. She stood by the doorway in a tight business dress.

" Yeah, I'll leave in a bit. Have fun, mommy," Halsey smiled. She nodded. She walked over to Halsey and kissed her forehead. She closed the door when she left. She saw them leaving out the driveway. She loved her parents so much. She hoped that her staying here wasn't ruining their privacy together. They are barely home though.

Once she saw that they were completely gone, she put her shows on and exited the house herself. Her car wouldn't be delivered until later, so she might just walk. Her old high school wasn't that far. She wanted to relive each moment. But she can't. The gates were closed. She decided to walk over to the old "hangout spot". It was the coffee shop where everyone at school use to hang out at. 

When she got there, she didn't see any familiar faces. It saddened her. She liked being in a place where she at least knew people. Now she didn't know anyone. It's like everyone she knew from high school left LA. It surprised her. LA is a really nice place to live in. She liked the sunny days and being able to wear tank tops and her favorite tees most of the time.

She went up to the counter to order something. " Can I just get iced tea? In a large cup?" She asked the man. He nodded and typed everything in. She sat on a barstool by the pick-up area. She felt someone lightly tap her shoulder. She saw a young blonde teenager standing behind her.

" Are you Halsey?! I'm a huge fan! I loved your album Room 93! Is There Somewhere has such a deep meaning to me!! Can I have your autograph?!" She asked, a big grin on her face. Halsey smiled at her back and nodded. The girl held her iPhone up and had the front camera on. They both smiled big. "Thank you so much!" 

" You're welcome! What's your name? It's so weird. A fan has never noticed me in public before and I always go out," Halsey chuckled. She sat down on the barstool next to her.

" My name is Penelope. And have you been out around here?! Everyone in LA fricken loves you. And I've never seen you around from here either. I've walked these streets since I was little. Well...there was a girl that use to hang out here a lot and..wait a second." She stared at Halsey's features. Her eyes and she twirled a piece of her hair around her fingers. " OH MY GOSH! I've seen the fetus Halsey around here soooo may times!!! You're the blue-haired girl that dumb people use to make fun of! Oh my JEEZ! I'm sorry if I'm speaking too loud and fingerling...it's just.. I love you." She hugged her tight.

She couldn't help but smile. But..a feeling of recognition and knowing people love her don't make her really feel home.

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