~Chapter 34~

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Ryan's POV

Rose forced him to go home and talk to Z. He really didn't want to face her. He didn't exactly need to. He didn't tell her when he was coming back. He didn't have any other place to stay but Rose's. Well, he could always stay at Halsey's apartment since she might move in with Brendon.

" What are you gonna tell her? you're going to apologize, right?" Rose asked him. 

" I don't need to apologize. I kind of just left because she was being weird. Stuff just went down and my dad called me home at the right time. I'll just wing it if I have to," Ryan shrugged.

" Do you want our driver to take you there or do you just wanna take a cab?"

" I guess I'll just take a cab. I might stop by a coffee shop before going home though. I'll call you when I get home." She nodded. Ryan kissed her before leaving her house. He was planning on staying at Halsey's apartment for awhile. He still had a spare key.

Halsey's POV

" I don't know what to say anymore," Halsey sighed. 

Josh looked at her with worry. " I'm sorry. I just want to fix this. I know that you're still in love with me. Be honest with me. How much do you love Brendon? He left you back then when you needed him most. He's the most loyal boyfriend you had, but at least I didn't leave you for something like that," he said.

" He was there for me when Ryan messed up. He was a very good boyfriend. He put me first. I was so used to having him around. Things just got hard for him, I guess. I didn't think he would leave me because he thought that I didn't get sexually harassed. He just didn't understand. Then again, he was there for me when I was heartbroken. He gave me a baby and he's going to marry me. I'm just confused now."

" You loved him so much back then. But how much do you love him now after what he did to you?"

" I've wanted a kid with you. It's just a really bad time. I don't know if I love him enough to marry him. I'm kind of forcing myself to. I'm doing what's best for the baby. He or she needs to have both parents. I don't need a broken family."

" What you're doing is really messed up, Hals. Once he figures this out, you're gonna be a single mother. This time, he'll have a more valid reason to leave you."

" I'm confused. I really don't know what's going on in my mind right now." ( A/N: sounds like someone.

" You need to figure it out before this time, you are the one fucking up. You don't want to break an innocent man's heart. Especially when he's madly in love with you."

" How did you feel when you fucked up?"

" You and I are two different people. But, no matter what, you end up feeling like shit. I still do."

" I want to do what's best for the baby.."

Suddenly, the door started to unlock. Halsey and Josh's attention turned to the door. Brendon didn't have spare keys to her apartment. Josh apparently did, but who else?

Ryan's POV

He heard voices coming from the inside of the apartment. Maybe Halsey and Brendon were here. Since they are both going to live together with a baby, he could ask to stay in this apartment. When he walked in, he couldn't believe seeing who was there. Josh was there.

" What's going on?" Ryan asked.

Halsey crossed her arms. " What are you doing here? Why do you have extra keys to my apartment still? You don't live here," she said.

" Why is he here? Why is he in here with you?" Ryan asked.

" It's none of your business, kid. I think you should leave. This was never your home. It was mine. I came back because I missed it. What's your reason to be here?" Josh asked rudely.

" I just got back from LA. I can't really see Elizabeth right now, so I headed here. I thought you'd be with Brendon already, Hals. I was gonna call you and ask if I could stay here for awhile. I'm not on good terms with, you know.." Ryan explained.

" Why not?"

" Ever since the whole incident-"

" What incident?" Josh interrupted.

" I kind of knocked Z on her ass because she walked into my apartment yelling then she slapped me. I was not going down like that. Like who does she think she is?!" Halsey replied.

" Anyways, she didn't want me talking to you ever again. But I defended you because you're a pregnant woman and you're much more tough. You were not just gonna get slapped without something back. It seemed like she didn't really want me around. Then, at a good time, my dad wanted me to visit California. Oh man. Shit went down over there," Ryan said.

" What did you do?" She sighed.

" I really screwed up. I mean, I already screwed up when I came here last time. Halsey...I can't do this right now. I just want to be alone. Can you please let me stay here for a couple of days? I just need somewhere to stay. I told Rose that I'd come see Z and make up. Truthfully, I just came here."

" Bad move, dude. You shouldn't lie to a girl like Rose," Josh said.

" You don't even know who Rose is!" Both Ryan and Halsey said.

" I've seen her around. I kind of know Rose. Okay...How do I explain this? Me and her used to be friends. We kind of drifted apart because she was forcefully dating one of my friends. I didn't exactly talk to her. I just knew she existed and that my boy was dating her. I know what she looks like and she doesn't look like a girl you'd want to lose," Josh said.

" She isn't. She's a great person. I tend to date great people, then screw up. Except, Audrey was the worse girl I've ever dated. I just kind of want to be alone. I'll be in the other room, okay? Halsey, I can stay here, right?" Ryan asked her.

Halsey turned to Josh. " Where are you staying for the night?"

" A nice hotel," Josh replied.

" Yeah, you can stay here," she turned to Ryan. " Just don't mess anything up. And I agree with Rose. I think you should go make up with Z even though she hates my guts. And Josh, I really hope things work out for you. You can visit the apartment whenever you want now. Just let me know when you do because when I come back here, I might be with Brendon."

" Do I really need to talk to Rose?" Ryan asked.

" Yes. What are you gonna do? Ignore her for the rest of your life?" Halsey asked.

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