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This world has some major fucking issues. It only has these problems because of humans. Silly humans. We are the real monsters. We lie steal, rape, murder, agrivated sodomy, child molestation, etc. But there is one main question that we needs to ask ourselves. Why? Why do we do this to each other? The same reason why teenager's fight each other for stupid shit. They do it for entertainment. To create a big scene. To fuck with people's individual minds. Now why would humans do it? Figure it out for yourself. Ask yourself that question. Actually do me the favor and ask yourself, am I one of those people? Unless your an anilen. Then go ahead and kidnap some humans and do study's on them. Now back on the subject. Ask yourself do I really want to be one of those people? What the fuck am I doing that is helping this planet? Your answer? Nothing. Sure you say your helping the earth and other shit because you're throwing trash in a trash can or recycling and not mess with people or the environment. Well guess what. You're not helping! Nope. Not at all. Want to know why/how? Because your here right now wasting oxygen that another human might need and still making trash and doing non sense and producing more little demon spons. And if your not giving a shit about this then why the hell are you still reading this? Go the fuck on somewear I didn't ask for you to read it. Now if your still reading and also the aliens and other kind humans. What makes you so God Damn special?

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