OMG!!!! 911!!!!

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Ok so I acctualy have a lot of things to talk about today because other than baby sitting the entire day, my day was actually very eventful.

Ok so I was watching my brother and sister when I was outside and I saw this old Asian lady walking down the street so ya know I continued what I was doing. Then like one minute later I look past the car and air m she's laying side ways on the street so I decided to walk over to her then I see like blood dripping on the concrete and I'm like Ooooo. Then like I try to help her up and she can't so I'm saying "ambulance" to her because she's mumbling in Korean and so after saying it she said OK or yes or something I don't remember.

But so I run to the phone and dial 911 and the fucking lady was I swear to Jesus she was going to make me scream she was being unessesary. Like i remember when you used to have simple quick 911 calls instead our call was 16 minutes and some odd seconds. But I saw this really hot Mexican guy which I think graduated but I gave no fucks because he wasn't saying shit when I was checking him out.

Anyways the lady that said she was going to send the paramedic's and I see a fucking fire truck. A fire truck and in my mind im like the fuck. Because who sends a fire truck to an old woman that couldn't get up that was bleeding I'm just like wtf. Like I'm so serious wtf.

Then like the paramedics finanny came thank Jesus and the Mexican guy takes this awese chair from there house and places it in the street for the lady to sit on. In the middle of the street! So then I had another wtf moment. So then later they take the lady to her house and like no one thanks me. No one! So I'm like fuck you too then ignorant bastards. (¬_¬)ノ

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