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So I've been thinking that I should start writing another novel. Like an actual novel besides my Icefang one that I had yet to update. I'm thinking about connecting it with personal life mixes with dreams and fantasies.

But I know it might seem boring but I'm thinking about making about about a violinist. But if I do actually decide to do it that means I have to get into classical music more lol which isn't going to be much of a problem since the majority of the music I listen to is mostly instrumental.

That was a really long sentence hehe. Anyways if I am to make an actual novel and attempt to publish this IRL (in real life) then I need to know if I should just go ahead and call the female character Winter or something else.

So yeah, if you guys want to be inside the book and maybe want to help out with ideas and what not and character names especially then please text me.

I have to know if this is worth trying for and since I'm going to be serious I'm actually going to be putting time and effort in making this novel.

So yeah. I hope you guys give me some motives and what not and also for this blog thing if you have a subject you want me to write about I'll do it.

And if you had ideas about the novel my Kik (if you have it) is NerdyAngelXD

Winter's 2016 BioWhere stories live. Discover now