Dishing out 100s

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3 October 2016

So no joke right last week and this week I've been literally getting back 100s on my test. First it started with Geometry 1. Teacher hands me back the paper and it says 109. See, being me you know I'm going to brag about my grade because that same week I went to a 75 to a 86 to a 96 all in one week. I went to a 86 because of the weeks worth of missing work I turned in and a 96 because of that hundred.

Then not only that I also go a hundred on my World History brain pop quiz that was extremely difficult. Yes, yes I know I here you shuning already but I find some brain pop quizzes difficult. Most of the time it's just common sense. But I had to wrack my brain and take my sweet time then double check just for ten questions. It was worth it though. Know why? Because I got a hundred.

Number three. My atoms test in Chemistry 1. I took the test last week and let me tell you I didn't study. And it was the same week that mom had her baby. (By the way my mom had her faith child.) I did not study for that test at all. Even the first five minutes of the class that we were supposed to use to study I didn't use it. Why? I don't know I just didn't feel like it.

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