The Order of Insidious

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Alright so lately I have repeatedly been watching the movie called insidious. Now a little while back I only scene insidious chapter 1 and 3 (fuck I just got this head ache out of no where) but yea. And like this one person that paid for his ticked didn't even watch the entire thing because he was being a chicken shit.

Anyways, I came to realize after I purchased I
Insidious 1 and 2 that you're actually suppose to watch chapter 3 then 1 and 2.

Alright so set me start explaining my reasoning, (*sneezes* Ew) and if you don't like it then give me a star and stop reading.

Alright so in Incidous 1 at the end of the movie she dies. But in the the third movie Elise is alive.

So explain to me how the fuck is she still alive in three when she died in one. And also she met the two guys that works for her in three also. So that means it must have to be three first. And also three is the most scariest.

Why is that? The fuck if I know. But then I'm just like hmm... Because two was scarier than one and three was scaryer than two. I'm just like hmm. And then its also interesting because number three is funny. It just has jump scares lol.

Well. Until I own the third movie And watch the special features then that is my theorie lol. See you guys later. Comment if you want me to talk about something. Don't forget to star either.

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